Authors: RYBAKOV V.A.
Communicology. 2016. v.4, n.6
RYBAKOV Viktor Artemevich, assistant professor of legal regulation of foreign
economic activity and customs Faculty of Law of the Russian New University.
Abstract. In this article, customs regarded as a social institution, formed in order to protect the public and state interests. It substantiates the need to modernize the management of social communications of customs authorities, as at present in the public consciousness formed negative perceptions of the customs activity. This reduces the efficiency of the customs authority as a social institution. The author concludes the need to improve communication interaction with the customs authorities and offers an innovative model of social communications management. The effectiveness of social communications customs authorities will contribute to the implementation of administrative monitoring for the formation of an information base and streamlining communications management structure public through the introduction of a special department dealing with internal communications.
Keywords: social communications, the customs authorities, a heuristic model.
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