Author: STARYKH N.V.
2016. v.4, n.3
STARYKH Nina Vladimirovna, Ph.D, associate professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Advertisement and Public Relations.Abstract:The theory of Communication Management begins in the early 1980s, and is formed as an applied science. Authors of key works combine academic positions with consulting. This factor, in addition to the pros, has a downside. Consulting advice genre does not suggest a theoretical reflection; the subject is focused on the problems and methods of solving. However, outside of the theoretical context it is impossible to grasp the inner logic of communication management,
to understand it as an independent theory of communication. The aim of the present study is an attempt to reconstruct the theoretical platform of publications, related to the problems of communication management, and on this basis to build a relationship of basic concepts, detect precursors, to identify main development line, indicate prospects. The internal logic of the development of communication management theory should be the order of questioning the essence of communication activities. Originating in the context of management of the institutional environment, it is not surprising, that at the initial stage of communication management theory developed in the positivist paradigm of cognitive science. The researchers who are aimed on the depending identification income and consumer behavior, are studying the customer's decision-making, exploring factors affecting the mental process. Communicative strategy is conceived as positioning – focusing on the most vulnerable links in the process of consumer decision-making. However, postmodern culture poses before communication strategy a problem of a different kind – the variety of social and cultural experiences, values and forms of communicative behavior. How the brand should build a communication platform in the situation of multicultural audiences? Cognitive science, providing
a role to the researcher as an external observer, can not answer this question. This task is within the competence of postmodern science, which operats with category of meaning – a unit of knowledge stored in the collective unconscious. Communicative strategy is interpreted in the postmodern paradigm as efforts to create a common space of meaning between the participants. The theory of
communication management has been enriched by branding theory, which is based on the foundation of Gestalt psychology. Great promise for the development of communication management theory in the context of post-modern paradigm lies in semiology and structural and semantic methods. This line of research removes the contradiction between positivist and postmodern approaches to the management of the communicative process, offers tools, that can predict the dynamics of formation of values through the analysis of their generation by semantic space. Structural and semantic methods
seem to be most appropriate in the study of Internet communication.
Keywords: communication theory, communication management, strategic communications, integrated communications.
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