Communicology. 2016. v.4, n.3
ROMASHKO Tatiana Vladimirovna, Senior Lecturer, Philosophical Anthropology and Social Communications Department, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg.
Abstract: Over the last decades, in the British cultural policy there has been a notable shift towards the large-scale ideological project of neo-liberalism (J. McGuigan, 2010; D. O’Brbien, 2014). Neoliberalism is a stage in the transformation of capitalism which seeks to find new sources of value accumulation through seeking to transform the individual subject’s relationship to itself as a sort of entrepreneurial asset. The concept ‘neoliberal cultural policy’ was used to categorize a political project beginning in the 1970s that aimed to extend the logic of the market to all areas of social life. Cultural policy follows that logic insofar as it shrinks state provision of culture and encourages subjects to see culture as a source of cultural, social and economic value that they themselves are responsible for, including responsibility for themselves. Thus cultural policy comes out of the decline of state authority and capacity (the turn to ‘governance’) and the inability of capital to find new sources of value on the old industrial commodity production model. This paper focuses on the main theoretical approaches of L. Althusser, S. Hall and E. Laclau. The article attempts to assess deconstructionist’s contribution to the reconceptualization of the sociocultural capital. Instead of offering a detailed exegesis, the paper analyses forms of capital, so crucial to G. Becker, P. Bourdieu and J. Coleman vision of economy and society, and provides the bridge to a discussion of the main priorities of neoliberal cultural policy, such as: inclusion, equality and creativity. I argue that neoliberal cultural policy overly aims to emancipate the individual from the state intervention through regenerating the sociocultural capital of autonomous communities. The paper concludes that so-called «friendly environment» helps subject to be the self, to be an «individual firm» (W. Brown, 2016), which becomes the essential part of creative economy through representation, transmission and consumption.
Key words: sociocultural capital, neoliberal cultural policy, discourse, postmodernity, deconstructionism, critique of the essentialism, P. Bourdieu, L. Althusser, S. Hall, E. Laclau
Text: PDF
Communicology. 2016. v.4, n.3
ROMASHKO Tatiana Vladimirovna, Senior Lecturer, Philosophical Anthropology and Social Communications Department, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St.Petersburg.
Abstract: Over the last decades, in the British cultural policy there has been a notable shift towards the large-scale ideological project of neo-liberalism (J. McGuigan, 2010; D. O’Brbien, 2014). Neoliberalism is a stage in the transformation of capitalism which seeks to find new sources of value accumulation through seeking to transform the individual subject’s relationship to itself as a sort of entrepreneurial asset. The concept ‘neoliberal cultural policy’ was used to categorize a political project beginning in the 1970s that aimed to extend the logic of the market to all areas of social life. Cultural policy follows that logic insofar as it shrinks state provision of culture and encourages subjects to see culture as a source of cultural, social and economic value that they themselves are responsible for, including responsibility for themselves. Thus cultural policy comes out of the decline of state authority and capacity (the turn to ‘governance’) and the inability of capital to find new sources of value on the old industrial commodity production model. This paper focuses on the main theoretical approaches of L. Althusser, S. Hall and E. Laclau. The article attempts to assess deconstructionist’s contribution to the reconceptualization of the sociocultural capital. Instead of offering a detailed exegesis, the paper analyses forms of capital, so crucial to G. Becker, P. Bourdieu and J. Coleman vision of economy and society, and provides the bridge to a discussion of the main priorities of neoliberal cultural policy, such as: inclusion, equality and creativity. I argue that neoliberal cultural policy overly aims to emancipate the individual from the state intervention through regenerating the sociocultural capital of autonomous communities. The paper concludes that so-called «friendly environment» helps subject to be the self, to be an «individual firm» (W. Brown, 2016), which becomes the essential part of creative economy through representation, transmission and consumption.
Key words: sociocultural capital, neoliberal cultural policy, discourse, postmodernity, deconstructionism, critique of the essentialism, P. Bourdieu, L. Althusser, S. Hall, E. Laclau
Text: PDF