Communicology. 2016. v.4, n.1
GOROKHOV Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, Postgraduate of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department, Institute of State Service and Administration, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
Abstract: in the article author presents an endeavor to review the quality definition approach of the term «feedback» using the philosophy of science disposition in combination with interpretations of the communication phenomenon for communicology scientific needs. In the modern environment a diversity of definitions of feedback, fundamentally, involves the return of a number of systematic results of the work back to the processes of the ongoing work. Thus, there are activities of adjustment, control and enrichment of the human working environment with new intermediate labor products, which is provided with additional processes and criteria of work completion – efficiency coefficients. For communicology interpretation of the term “feedback” is important in the context of the communication that accompanies modern life of humans. Largely thanks to the modern stage of civilization development, implementation of known and new human needs in communication, it became possible to argue, as scientifically based modeling either internal or external aspects and needs, and communication. However, for communicology it is necessary to divide outer– and intra-scientific feedback traces of communication and objects of the communicology subject research field. Design, organization and accounting the inverse principle given to man by nature, can contribute to short and rational clarification of the internal structure of communicology immersion in its external societally structure of the noosphere.Keywords: communication, ethnos, politics, inter-ethnic, discourse, massmedia
Keywords: communication, need, society, meaning, context, heuristics, feedback, communicology
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Communicology. 2016. v.4, n.1
GOROKHOV Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, Postgraduate of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department, Institute of State Service and Administration, the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA).
Abstract: in the article author presents an endeavor to review the quality definition approach of the term «feedback» using the philosophy of science disposition in combination with interpretations of the communication phenomenon for communicology scientific needs. In the modern environment a diversity of definitions of feedback, fundamentally, involves the return of a number of systematic results of the work back to the processes of the ongoing work. Thus, there are activities of adjustment, control and enrichment of the human working environment with new intermediate labor products, which is provided with additional processes and criteria of work completion – efficiency coefficients. For communicology interpretation of the term “feedback” is important in the context of the communication that accompanies modern life of humans. Largely thanks to the modern stage of civilization development, implementation of known and new human needs in communication, it became possible to argue, as scientifically based modeling either internal or external aspects and needs, and communication. However, for communicology it is necessary to divide outer– and intra-scientific feedback traces of communication and objects of the communicology subject research field. Design, organization and accounting the inverse principle given to man by nature, can contribute to short and rational clarification of the internal structure of communicology immersion in its external societally structure of the noosphere.Keywords: communication, ethnos, politics, inter-ethnic, discourse, massmedia
Keywords: communication, need, society, meaning, context, heuristics, feedback, communicology
Text: PDF