Sociology of communications
- Bagayeva T.L. Potential opportunities of social management of branding communications. (p.13)
- Starykh N.V. Theory of communication management: origin, formation and development prospects in the paradigmatic space of positivism and postmodernism. (p.30)
Social-cultural communications
- Romashko T.V. Conceptualization of sociocultural capital in the discursive and the discourse of neoliberal cultural policy. (p.61)
- Malykhina M.A. Communication in Russian and foreign healthcare quality management systems. (p.76)
- Mostitskaya N.D. The “controlled chaos” communication component within the conviviality-routine reference system. (p.90)
- Mikhaylina T.I. Political discourse: constructing the narrative (based on the English language). (p.105)
- Danielyan P.S., Zaslonkina O.V. To the question of national communities’ role in the interethnic conflicts regulation. (p.110)
- Melnikov S.L. Communication technology of management of Russian student identity guidelines in a social risk. (p.121)
- Abdulzyanov A.R. Communication of drivers and pedestrians as the basis of road safety: research methodology and practice. (p.131)
- Tahirov M. Communication, identity, recognition. (p.139)
- Kravchenko S.A. Risks of the youth in communications of modern society. (p.149)
- Karpova D.N., Goloukhova D.V. The culture of managing online self communication risks among students. (p.159)
- Moroz A.S. “Nothing-body” and risks for the Russian youth. (p.169)
- Sharkov F.I., Alekseev A.N., Kiselev V.M., Potarczuk V.A. Design as communication. Round table on the results of professional public accreditation of educational programs “Design’ of G.V. Plekhanov Economic University. (p.177)
- Baranova E.A. Media institute transformation under the conditions of media convergence. (p.188)