"Communicology" editorial board members have taken part in the conference "Public administration and development in Russia: patterns and projects", held in the framework of the annual international scientific and business festival "IPAM Week" organized by the Institute of Public Administration and Management (IPAM) of RANEPA.
"Communicology" section – Science and education in information and communication space of modern society – has made headway with a high degree of involvement of subscribers and authors of the journal, their reports and opinions.
The section has passed in lively discussions. The participants were unanimous in defining as important the problems of science and education in the context of Communicology. Put in a nutshell, the development of communication sciences in a complex, predetermined by many problems, including:
- the dominance of practical research experience;
- varying degree of adaptation to the increasing demands in public administration and society;
- actual and future shifts in the paradigms of higher professional education.
All papers, articles and reports received organizers of the IPAM festival are submitted for review and publication in the general collection of scientific articles, which is scheduled to be released in 3-4 quarter of 2016.
"Communicology" section – Science and education in information and communication space of modern society – has made headway with a high degree of involvement of subscribers and authors of the journal, their reports and opinions.
The section has passed in lively discussions. The participants were unanimous in defining as important the problems of science and education in the context of Communicology. Put in a nutshell, the development of communication sciences in a complex, predetermined by many problems, including:
- the dominance of practical research experience;
- varying degree of adaptation to the increasing demands in public administration and society;
- actual and future shifts in the paradigms of higher professional education.
All papers, articles and reports received organizers of the IPAM festival are submitted for review and publication in the general collection of scientific articles, which is scheduled to be released in 3-4 quarter of 2016.