Felix Sharkov



This class on Gender Communicology is an important discipline that will assist students in acquiring knowledge about the nature of gender relations and the particularities of gender communication in everyday life and in state and municipal government, as well as about the mechanisms for regulating gender communication.
The class is intended for upper-level undergraduates and for master’s students who are majoring in State and Municipal Management, as well as for auditors who are in the continuing education system or retraining for state and municipal government jobs.
The following main constituent theories of the practice of gender communicology will be examined in this class: the genesis of gender communicology; gender research within the field of Communicology; gender particularities of communication; concepts of the division of the social sphere according to sex; regulation of gender communication in state and local government; the gendered structure of everyday speech and business communications; the social-role mechanism for regulating gender communications; gender linguistics; gender issues as reflected in mass media and the effects of mass media on gender relations.
The Goal of this class is to for students to grasp the essentials of gender communicology, for them to acquire the skill of applying a gender analysis to models and processes of communication, and for them to understand the particulars of gender relations in everyday life and in state and municipal government.

Upon completing this study of the discipline of Gender Communicology, the student should:
- know the methodological and theoretical basis of gender communicology;
- know the basic conceptual apparatus and methodology of gender research;
- have the academic and methodological knowledge and ability in the sphere of regulating gender relations in everyday life as well as state and municipal government;
- have oriented himself or herself in the methodology of studying and evaluating gendered aspects of management;
- have the skills to identify and analyze gender issues in everyday human activities.

The role of this class in professional development
Mastering this course will allow the student to generalize and concretize basic knowledge acquired during the study of sociology, anthropology, management, the sociology and psychology of management, and other fields and academic disciplines. The study of this course will also broaden the students’ understanding of the possibilities of interpreting sociological phenomena through the lens of gender interactions.


№ п/п
Topics and Sections
In all

Class hours
Independent Work

Seminars and practical classes

Origins of gender communicology. Gender research in the academic field of communicology.
Conceptions of the division of the social sphere according to sex.
Gender specifics of communications.

Regulation of gender communications in state and local government

The social-role mechanism for regulating gender communications

The gendered structure of everyday speech and business communication

Gender linguistics

Gender issues as reflected in mass media. The influence of mass media on gender relations.  


In all:


Topic 1. Origins of gender communicology. Gender research in the academic field of Communicology.
Gender issues in the history of academic thought. The gender factor in communication theory. Gender stratification and socialization. The appearance of gender particularities in social systems and processes. Gender relations as a paradigm of inter-group social relations.
Gender research in social communicology. Gender conceptions. Structural functionalism of T. Parsons and E. Durkheim to explain differences in the roles of men and women in the family and in society. Symbolic interactionism in the definition of communicative particularities and definition of the roles of men and women. System of gender symbols and symbolic understandings of male and female roles and that system’s influence on roles and communication between men and women. Social construction of models of gender communication via socialization and the division of gender roles.

Topic 2. Conceptions of the division of the social sphere according to sex.
The naturalness of the innate interdependence and “complementariness” of the sexes. Differences in male and female nature and their influence on the form and particulars of communication. Examination of gender communciations and social roles through the lens of the unconscious. Understanding of transgender identity. Gender-neutral system of social connections and relations as a negation of a dramaturgical examination of gender differences (gender affiliation does not automatically create gender inequality).
Inevitability of gendered structuring of everyday practical relations and other forms of communication. Conditioning of gender asymmetry in people’s lives. Limitations of the concept of gender inequality to explain any natural differences and differentiation of social roles of men and women as a manifestation of inequality. Particulars of examining social connections and relations in gendered space. Deconstruction of gender hierarchies, examined not as interactions but as a unidirectional process. Absence of fundamental differences in the communicative characteristics of men and women and the recognition of differences in communicative particulars.

Topic 3. Regulation of gender communications in state and local government
Gender differentiation and asymmetry in government. Particulars of gender relations in government. Institutional frameworks and legal basis for regulating gender relations in government. Gender essence of the state.
Gender structure of state power. Mechanisms for regulating gender communication in the system of state and municipal governance. Particulars of the status and communicative roles of men and women in the system of state and municipal governance. Correction of the models and stereotypes of gender communication in state and municipal structures.

Topic 4. Social-role mechanism for regulating gender communication
Social-normative regulation of gender communication: academic, pedagogic, legal, religious, national-ethnic, political, economic, and sociocultural doctrines.
Collective consciousness and societal opinion as a gender-regulatory factor. Self-identification and self-regulation of gender relations.
Differences in communicative characteristics of men and women. Unacceptability of limitations in the self-actualization of gender roles. Social portraits of men and women who serve in state and municipal governments.

Topic 5. Gender linguistics
Gender semiotics. Identifying signs of male and female speech. Male and female languages of verbal communication.
Analysis of nonverbal means of communication. Gender semiotics of poses and gestures. Oculesics. Tacesics. Proxemics. Chronemics.
Analysis of “male” and “female” discourses. Articulation of male and female values in writing. Gender depiction of visual communication. Female and male visual forms.

Topic 6. Gender issues as reflected in mass media. The influence of mass media on gender relations
The role of mass media in the formation of gender relations. Formation of virtual gender forms on the internet. Influence of mass media on gender perceptions, particulars, and differences.

Practical exercise №1. Gender particulars of communication
A task is set for the students: does the style of interaction depend on the gender of the communicator? In the previous lesson, the students are given an assignment to observe conversations between at least three same-sex and different-sex pairs of people. Observations should be written up in a report, paying special attention to particulars of speech (both verbal and non-verbal).
In class we will also examine cases that demonstrate discrimination on the basis of sex in the workplace.

Practical exercise №2. The gendered structure of everyday speech and business communication
The students will split up into different-sex pairs. First, the female member of the pair will play the role of a journalist conducting an interview with a male politician. Then the students will switch roles and the female will play the role of a politician giving an interview to a male journalist. Other pairs will take turns demonstrating instances of everyday business speech.
The interview questions will be discussed in advance by expert groups made up of students. The experts will also evaluate the quality of the role-play.
At the end of the exercise, there will be a group discussion to draw conclusions about the idiosyncracies of male and female markers of leaders of various genders in business communications as well as in everyday speech.


1. Gender communicology: object, subject, goals, and tasks.
2. Understanding and nature of gender relations.
3. Interrelations of sexes in primitive societies.
4. Particulars of policies for equality of the sexes in Western European countries.
5. Main factors determining the particulars of gender relations in state and municipal government.
6. System of symbolic understandings of male and female roles.
7. Institutional assurance of the development of social connections and relations between men and women.
8. Particulars of status-role positions of women and men in the system of state and municipal government.
9. Research into the gender particulars of communication.
10. Gender asymmetry in political communication.
11. Gender display (dramaturgical interactionism) of E. Goffman as a mechanism for creating gender at the level of interaction.
12. Particulars of the appearance of gender differences in language.
13. J. Habermas’ theory of communicative action and E. Goffman’s theory of interaction as a prerequisite for a gender conception in the humanities
14. Gender as an aggregate of symbols (forms) of norms of identities and social institutions.
15. Multiplicity of social connections in gendered space.
16. Sociolinguistics in the study of gender issues of language.
17. Gender specifics of linguistics forms and their reinforcement in sociocultural stereotypes.
18. Language and gender: cross-cultural communication.
19. Gender approach to political communication.
20. Gender aspect in business communication.
21. Gender relations and alternatives for social management.
22. Gender stereotypes in communication.
23. Representation of gender relations in mass media and advertising.
24. Treatment of gender relations in theoretical paradigms of sociology.
25. Variety of gendered interpersonal relations.
26. Gender stereotypes in modern mass media.
27. Gender aspects of mass communication.
28. Role of the internet in the virtualization of gender differences.
29. Gender socialization as a basis for overcoming the dramatization of gender contradictions.
30. Representation of masculinity and femininity in advertising.
31. Manifestation of particulars of female and male characteristic in business communication.
32. Gender particulars in communication style.
33. Study of gender problems in social psychology.
34. Sociocultural problems of gender communication.


1. Goffman, E. Frame Analysis of Gender. From “The Arrangement Between the Sexes”// Goffman Reader. Lemert, C. and Brahaman, A. (eds.) 1977/ Blackwell Publ. PP. 201-208.
2. Rachel Alsop, Annette Fitzsimons & Kathleen Lennon. Theorizing Gender. Polity Press, 2002, Cambridge, UK, 282p.
3. Reinharz S. (ed.) Feminist Methods in Social Research. N.Y. – Oxford, 1992 (Chapter – Feminist Ethnography).
4. Habermas, J. of Communicative Action. Vol. 1. Boston Beacon, 1984. PP. 366-399.
5. Абраменкова В.В. Половая дифференциация и межличностные отношения в детской группе// Вопросы психологии. 1987. №5.
6. Агеев В.С. Межгрупповое взаимодействие: социально-психологические проблемы. М., МГУ, 1990, гл. 7. Мужчины и женщины. С. 178-200.
7. Ажгихина Н. Гендерные стереотипы в современных масс-медиа//Женщины: свобода слова и творчества: сборник статей. М.:Эслан, 2001.
8. Гендер: культура, язык, коммуникация. М., 1999.
9. Гендерный менеджмент// Управление персоналом. 2001. № 11-12. С. 49-53.
10. Гендерный фактор в языке и коммуникации. М., 1999.
11. Грошев И.В. Гендерная невербальная коммуникация в рекламе// СОЦИС, 1999. №4. С.71-77.
12. Гусейнова Н.А. Гендерный аспект невербального общения на примере деловой коммуникации/Гендерное образование в системе высшей и средней школы: состояние и перспективы. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции. Иваново, 24-25 июня 2003 г. Иваново ИвГУ, 2003. С. 145-151.
13. Денисова А. Язык вражды в российских СМИ: гендерное измерение//
14. Здравомыслова Е.А.,Темкина А.А. Социология гендерных отношений и Гендерный подход в социологии// СОЦИС, 2000. №11. С. 15-23.
15. Иссерс О.С. Проблемы создания «коммуникативного портрета»: Гендерный аспект/Гендер: язык, культура, коммуникация. Доклады второй международной конференции. Москва, 22-23 ноября 2001 г.. М.: Изд-во «Рудомино», 2002. С. 172-178.
16. Келли Дж. Социальные отношения полов и методологическое значение истории женщин / Женщины. История. Общество: Сб. научных статей под общей ред. В.И. Успенской. Вып. 2. – ОГУП «Тверское областное книжно-журнальное издательство, 2002. С. 23-41.
17. Кириллина А. Гендерные аспекты массовой коммуникации/Гендер как интрига познания. Сборник статей /сост. Кириллина А.В. Московский государственный лингвистический университет, Лаборатория гендерных исследований. М.: Изд-во «Рудомино»,2000.
18. Кириллина А.В. Гендер: лингвистические аспекты. М.: ИС РАН, 1999.
19. Крейдлин Г.Е. Русский язык тела и русская фразеология. Сравнительно-лингвистический анализ//Обработка текста и когнитивные технологию Вып. 3. Пущино, 1999.
20. Кузнецова Е.В. Значение цвета одежды в формировании имиджа деловой женщины // Прикладная психология. 2001. №2. С. 79-87.
21. Митина О.В. Женское гендерное поведение в социальном и кросскультурном аспектах//Общественные науки и современность. 1999.№3. С.179-190.
22. Пушкарева Н.Л. Феномен «женского чтения» и задачи исследования текстов, написанных женщинами//Гендерные исследования в гуманитарных науках: современные подходы. Материалы международной научной конференции 15-16 сентября 2000 г. Иваново, 2000. С. 17-21.
23. Римашевская Н.М. Гендерные отношения на советском и постсоветском пространстве развития России/Женщина. Гендер. Культура. М.: МЦГИ, 1999. С.153-159.
24. Теория и методология гендерных следований: взгляд культуролога// Высшее образование в России. 2001. №2.
25. Халева И.И. Гендер: Язык, кульура, коммуникацияю М., 2002. – 334 с.
26. Чернобровкина А.В. Гендерные особенности поведения личности в управленческой деятельности. Дисс.. канд. псих. наук. М., 2000. – 166 с.
27. Чирикова А.Е. Деловая женщина в экстремальных ситуациях//СОЦИС, 1998. №10. С. 68-76.