GERASIMOV Artur Vitalievich, – an applicant for the degree of Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Institute of Public Administration and Human Rеsources Management, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Address: 26, K. Zetkin, Cheboksary, Russia, 428037. Теl.: +7 927 862 32 18.
Annotation. The article focuses on the role of state authorities' informational and communicative resources in the public consciousness formation. The author analyzes the problem of using feedback mechanisms in government and society interaction and proposes to optimize the processes of public consciousness management.
Keywords: public relations, informational and communicative resources, public opinion, public consciousness.
1. Achkasova V.A., Volodina L.V. Svyazy s obshestvennostyu kak socialnaya injeneriya. – t.Peresburg, 2005. – 336 str. [Achkasova, V.A., Volodina, L.V. (2005) Public relations as a social engineering, St.Peresburg].
2. Vasilenko L.A., Internet v informatizacii gosudarstvennoy sluzhby Rossii: sociologichesky aspekt. – М., 2008. [Vasilenko L.A. (2008) Internet in informatization of the Russian State Service: sociological aspects, Moscow].
3. Vasilenko L.A. Preventivnyye tekhnologii upravleniya kak sposob operezhayushchego regulirovaniya innovatsionnykh sotsial'nykh protsessov. // Innovatsionnyye tekhnologii provedeniya obshchestvennoy ekspertizy gosudarstvenno vazhnykh resheniy i obshchestven-nykh slushaniy s primeneniyem «vysokikh» informatsionnykh tekhnologiy. M., 2010. 376 str. [Vasilenko, L.A. (2010) ‘Preventive technologies of management as a way of advance regulation of innovative social processes’, Innovative technologies of the public examination of national important decisions and public hearings using high information technologies, Moscow].
4. Newton, K. (1999) ‘Mass media effects: Mobilization or media malaise?’, British Journal of Political Science, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 577-599.
5. Habermas J. Teoriya communicativnogo deystviya. Racionalnost deystviya I obschestvennaya racionalizaciya. М.,1981. [Habermas, J. (1981) Communicative action theory, Moscow].
6. Sharkov F.I. Integrirovannye PR-kommunicacii. М., 2004. 140 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2004) Integrated PR-communications, Moscow].
7. Sharkov F.I. Kommunikologiya: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’-spravochnik. М., 2009. 766 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2009) Communicology: encyclopedic dictionary catalogue, Moscow].
8. Sharkov F.I. Kommunikologiya: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar'-spravochnik. M., 2009. 766 str. [Sharkov, F.I. (2009) Communicology: encyclopedic dictionary catalogue, Moscow].
PAKHMUTOV Denis Viacheslavovich, postgraduate Student of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7-916-041-5958. Е-mail:
Annotation. This article discusses the welfare models in the society: Western, Soviet, Russian, as well as the quality of life as the most important factor in reducing protest moods in Russia. It was said that socio-economic problems are primarily the basis of protest moods in Russia.
Keywords: quality of life, protest communications, welfare models, poverty, social groups, standard of living, «society of mass consumption», human capital.
1. Atamanchuk G.V. Obespechenie razionalnosti gosudarstvennogo upravlenia. M., 1990 [Atamanchuk, G.V. (1990) Ensuring rationality of the state management, Moscow].
2. Druzhinin A. Rol bankovskoi systemi v povishenii urovnia i kachestva zhizni naselenia // Chelovek i trud. 2008. № 2. [Druzhinin A. (2008) ‘Role of banking system in raising the level of standard and quality of life of population’, Chelovek i trud. № 2].
3. Zhetesova M. T. Kachestvo zhizni predopredelaet buduchee chelovechestva. // Vestnik OGU. – 2003, № 7. [Zhetesova M.T. (2003) Quality of life predetermines the future of mankind // Vestnik OGU #7, Moscow].
4. Krupnov Y. Kachestvo zhizni. Available: 09.01.2001.
5. Malikov N. S. K voprosu o soderzhanii ponyatiya «kachestvo zhizni» i ego izmereniyu // Uroven zhizni naselenia regionov Rossii. 2002.- №2. [Malikov N. S. Content of the concept ‘standard of living’ and its measurement // Standard of living in regions of Russia]
6. Tikhonov A.A. Obladaet li «zapasom prochnosti» uroven zhizni rossiyan? //Sociologicheskiye issledovaniya. 2007. № 1. [Tikhonov A.A. (2007) Is there a margin of safety to the standard of living of the Russians? Sociological studies, #, 1 Moscow]
DROZDOVA Kristina Vyacheslavovna, Chief of the Department of public communications of the All-Russian social movement in protection of the rights and interests of consumers «Association of consumers of Russia».
Address: 121170, Moscow, Kutuzovsky Avenue, 39, office 318. Tel. +7 (499) 249-18-70,
Annotation. Social control is one of the main methods to protect the widest range of consumers of our country and also an instrument of modernization of protection. Today there is a need to expand the coverage of social control. Only a united force of the citizens themselves and their intelligence and cohesion will be able to provide a decent level of life in our country and make it more effectively than any authority, forcing the authority to act in the interests of people. In this article we consider the possibilities of social control in the sphere of protection of the rights of consumers, improvement of legislation in the sphere of social control, cooperation between the government and society when carrying out public control. There is also an example of successful collaboration in social control actions. The author describes the main problems of the social control system development in the Russian Federation, and offers the solutions of these problems.
Keywords: Social control, rights of the consumer, public organizations, legal regulation of social control, problems of increase of its effectiveness.
1. Vasilenko, L.A. Vasilenko V.I. Sotsialnyie innovatsii v kontekste upravleniya buduschim. Mahachkala.: 2013. [Vasilenko, L.A.Vasilenko V. I. (2013) ‘Social innovations in a context of management future’. Makhachkala]
2. Bek, U. Obschestvo riska na puti k drugomu modernu. M., 2000. [Beck, U. (2000) ‘Sosciety of risk on a way to other modernist style’. Moscow].
3. Vasilenko, L.A. Sotsialnyiy kontrol // Organizatsiya i tehnologii antikrizisnogo sotsialnogo upravleniya. M., 2004. [Vasilenko,L.A.(2004). ‘Social control//Organization and technologies of anticrisis social management’. Moscow].
4. Innovatsionnyie tehnologii provedeniya obschestvennoy ekspertizyi gosudarstvenno znachimyih resheniy i obschestvennyih slushaniy, s vklyuchennyim gendernyim podhodom i s primeneniem «vyisokih» informatsionnyih tehnologiy / Pod obsch. red. L.A. Vasilenko, T.E. Safonovoy. M., 2010. [Innovative technologies of the public examination of nationl important decisions and public hearings using high information technologies, Vasilenko, L.A. edt. (2010). Moscow].
5. Sharkov, F.I. Kommunikologiya: osnovyi teorii kommunikatsii: Uchebnik dlya bakalavrov. M., 2013. [Sharkov, F.I.(2013) ‘Kommunikology: basic theory of communication: The textbook for bachelors’. Moscow].
6. Shediy, M.V. Korruptsiya v Rossii: opyt kontseptualizatsii i mehanizmyi protivodeystviya: Monografiya. Orel, 2011. 150 s. [ Shedy, M.V. (2011) ‘Korruption in Russia: experience of conceptualization and counteraction mechanisms’: Monograph. Orel].
7. Kadrovyiy kontrol v sisteme gosudarstvennoy sluzhbyi / Pod red. A.I. Turchinova. M.: RAGS, 2002. [‘Personnel control in system of public service’ / A.I.Turchinov edt. (2002). Moscow].
8. Smolkov, V.G. Vernigorova T.P., Sotsialnyiy kontrol // Sotsialnoe upravlenie. Kurs lektsiy. M., 2000. [Smolkov, V. G. Vernigorova T.P., (2000) ‘Social control//Social management. Course of lectures’. Moscow]
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RYUMSHIN Sergey Anatoliyevich, head specialist of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Ad-ministration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (495) 956-07-01. Е-mail:
Annotation. We consider the concept of mediation, its features, and the role of mediation institutes in social processes management in modern society, engaging civil society and non-profit organizations to participate in the development of legislation and in the formation of the system of social control.
Keywords: Intermediation, civil society institutions, public authorities, a social control system, social innovation, potential of mediation, self-organizing systems.
1. Poslaniye Federalnomu Sobraniyu Rossiyskoy Federatsii Prezidenta Rossii Vladimira Putina. Rossiyskaya gazeta.12.12.2013. Available: [Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia / / Rossiiskaya gazeta. 12.12.2013 Available:]
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7. VCIOM. Kakovi celi sozdaniya obshestvennoi palate?
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