Author: KISELEV A. G.
KISELEV Aleksandr Georgievich, Doctor of Social Science, Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the Information bulletin “Presidential control” of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Address: 101000, Moscow, Center, Mail box 527. Tel.: 8(916)505-2313. E-mail:
Annotation. The article discusses the evolution of ideas about the term information, one of the most frequently used in modern world; informational support of state management is represented in the form of a system, that includes elements, providing different levels of management and forming information-technological basis for making management decisions.
Keywords: Information, data, information theory, mass media, informational approach, information system, information models, informational society, informational support of state management, management information, integration of management.
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VASILENKO Liudmila Aleksandrovna, Doctor of Social Science, Professor of the Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE), Honorary Academic Figure of the Russian Higher Education. Deputy Editor of the Journal “Communicology”.
Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Теl.: +7 (499) 956-07-01.
Annotation. The author focuses on the development of information nature of human and innovative approaches to socialization. The author examines how the quality of man is bound with quality of state. The author shows the difference in understanding of nationhood and citizenship of citizens of Russia and the U.S. American citizens believe that they can solve all problems. Russian citizens are often unable to solve the problems without the authorities, because the authorities do not allow them to make any changes. Authorities perceive any criticism of shortcomings as an action against the state.
The author proposes to bridge the gap in communication between the authorities and society. It is necessary to establish a mechanism of timely adjustment of the structure of society. The authorities should be able to reallocate social roles and delegate a group of citizens to find practical solutions of the problem, if there is no legislative solution. Tools for implementation of such a mechanism are: crowdsourcing, convergent journalism, blogging, public journalism, social journalism. Civil servants should have the innovative communicative competences to use these technologies. This requires changes in State Standards of training of servants and the creation of specialized training modules.
Keywords: civil communication, communication environment, E-government, social therapy, self organization, information society, networks, globalization, governance, internet, innovative competences, professional development of government employees.
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TARASOVA Elena Vladimirovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, research associate in the OOS NIOKR of the Altai State University (OOS NIOKR - Department of organization and support of research and development work).
Address: 656049, Barnaul, Lenin Avenue, 61, E-mail:
Annotation. The article reveals regulatory and organizational basis of the electronic government formation in Russia, peculiarities of practical implementation of information technology in management at the level of regions of the Russian Federation on the example of the Altai Region.
Keywords: Information technology, government, communication, electronic government, public services.
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