GOSTENINA Valentina Ivanovna – Doctor of Social Sciences , Professor, Head of the public relations and media policy department, Bryansk State University. Address: 119454, Bryansk, Krasnoarmeiskaya, 78, Room 221. Теl.: 8(4832) 41-62-68. E-mail:

Annotation. In the article communicative code of subject of authority is considered; socio-linguistic codes in political contents of mass media and in the messages of President of the Russian Federation are analyzed.

Keywords: the subject of the authority, communicative development, communicative code, content,  code of generalized communication, political discourse, autopoesis of communication, communicative
means, social characteristics.

1. Popper, K. Logika nauchnogo issledovaniya. M, 2004. [Popper K. (2004). Logic of scientific reaserch. Moscow].
2. Luman, N. Media kommunikatsii. M., 2005. 280 s. [Luhmann, N. (2005). Media of communication. Moscow].
3. Luman, N. Vlast. M, 2001. 256 str. [Luhmann, N. (2001). Power. Moscow].
4. Poslaniye Federal'nomu Sobraniyu Rossiyskoy Federatsii Prezidenta Rossii Vladimira Putina // Rossiyskaya gazeta. Federal'nyy vypusk № 4353, 27.04.2007. [Message to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of Vladimir Putin, President of Russia / / Rossiiskaya gazeta. Federal issue number 4353, dated 27 April 2007].
5. Polnyy tekst Poslaniya Dmitriya Medvedeva Federal'nomu Sobraniyu // Finmarket. 05.11. 2008. 16:34. Glavnyye novosti. [The full text of Message of Dmitry Medvedev to the Federal Assembly / / Finmarket. 05.11. 2008.]
6. Antonovskiy, A.Yu. Niklas Luman: Epistemologicheskiye osnovaniya i istochniki so-tsiologicheskogo konstruktivizma // Luman, N. Obshchestvo kak sotsial'naya sistema. Per. s nem. / A. Antonovskiy. – M.: Izd-vo «Logos», 2004. 232 s. – S. 210-228. [Antonovsky A.Y. (2004). Niklas Luhmann: Epistemological bases and sources of sociological constructivism / / Luhmann, N. Society as a social system. Moscow. 232 p. - p. 210-228].
7. Luman, N. Obshchestvo kak sotsial'naya sistema. M., 2004. [Luhmann, N. (2004). Society as a social system. Moscow].
8. Gostenina, V.I. Nekotoryye problemy formirovaniya sotsiologicheskogo my¬shleniya u spetsialista – sotsiologa v sovremennom rossiyskom universitete // Lomonosovskiye chteniya «Rol' IPPK MGU im. M.V. Lomonosova v professional'noy podgotovke i povyshenii kvalifikatsii kadrov v Rossii i stranakh SNG». Sb. dokladov. M., 2005. [Gostenina V.I. (2005). Some problems of the formation of sociological thinking of the sociologist-specialist in the modern Russian University/ / Lomonosov Readings "The Role of Advanced Study Institute of Moscow State University in training and skills development of the personnel in Russia and the CIS. Reports digest. Moscow].
9. Gostenina, V.I., Shilina, S.A. Kod verbal'noy kommunikatsii sub’yekta vlasti kak otrazheniye yazykovoy lichnosti // IV Vserossiyskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya. Sorokin-skiye chteniya «Otechestvennaya sotsiologiya: obreteniye budushchego cherez proshloye». – Ryazan', 2008. – S. 81-83. [Gostenina V.I., Shilina S.A. (2008). The verbal code of the communication of the subject of the power as a reflection of the language personality / / IV All-Russian Scientific Conference. Sorokin readings Patriotic Sociology: finding the future through the past. Ryazan. P. 81-83].
10. Gostenina, V.I., Shilina, S.A. Upravleniye verbal'nym sotsiolingvisticheskim ko-dom sub"yekta vlasti v kommunikativnom protsesse. M., 2008. [Gostenina V.I., Shilin S.A. (2008). The Management of the verbal sociolinguistic code of the subject of power in the communicative process. Moscow].
11. Khabermas, YU. Vovlecheniye drugogo. Ocherk politicheskoy teorii. – SPb., 2001. [Habermas J. (2001). The involvement of the other. Outline of political theory. St. Petersburg].


Author: SERGEEVA A. Yu.

SERGEEVA Anna Yuryevna, the Undergraduate student of Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Veкnadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7(495)933-80-30. E-mail:

Annotation. In the article the author analyzes prospects of use and development of blogging in public relations services, its effective application, methods of impact on potential audience, and advantages of use of blogging.

Keywords: blog, blogging, blog sphere, blogger, mass media, public relations, information space, target audience, public, traditional mass media, personal mass media.

1. Sharkov F.I. Pablik rileyshnz. M., 2010. 332 s. [Sharkov, F.I. (2010) Public relations. Moscow].
2. Sharkov F.I. Interaktivnye elektronnye kommunikacii. M., 2010. 260 . [Sharkov, F.I. (2010) Interactive electronic communications. Moscow].
3. Sharkov F.I. Pravovye osnovy zhurnalistiki I organizaciy svyasey s obshchestvennostiu. M., 2008. 315 s. [Sharkov, F.I. (2008) Legal bases of journalism and organizations of public relations. Moscow].
4. Reyngold G. Umnaya tolpa: Novaya socialnaya revolutsiya. M., 2006. 416 s. [Reyngold, G. (2006) Clever crowd: new social revolution. Moscow].
5. Mishina L.A. Svyasi s obshchestvennostiu. Shpargalka. M., 2009. 215 str. [Mishina, L.A. (2009) Public relations. Moscow].
6. Chumikov A.N. Svyasi s obshchestvennostiu. M., 2000. 272s. [Chumikov, A.N. (2000). Public relations. Moscow].
7. Gerasevich V.A. Blogi I RSS: internet-tehnologii novogo pokoleniya. SPb., 2006. 256 str. [Gerasevich, V.A.. (2006). Blogs and RSS: Internet technologies of new generation. St. Peterburg].
11. Kennedy, JL, (2013), Blogging your way to success, Tribology & lubrication technology , vol. 69,  pp. 70-70.
12. Shiau, WL, Luo, MML, (2013), Continuance intention of blog users: the impact of perceived enjoyment, habit, user involvement and blogging time, Behaviour & information technology, vol. 32, pp. 570-583.
13. Helm, J., (2013), Ethical and Legal Issues Related to Blogging and Social Media, Journal of the academy of nutrition and dietetics, vol. 113, pp. 688-690.



КAZANTSEVA Olga Аleksandrovna, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor of psychology of education of FGBOU VPO "Altai State Pedagogical Academy". Address: Barnaul, Molodezhnaya St., 55, ph. 8 (3852) 24-24-53, Е-mail:

Annotation. The article analyses social journalism as a direction which is engaged in illumination of significant social problems and possessing resources of social therapy in the form of primary prevention of family trouble. Need of the assictance of mass media in the solution of family problems, as representatives of civil society is emphasized. The special attention is paid to the way of working with journalists on immersion in a perspective of family trouble and to increase of social responsibility of journalists in the form of a club of social journalism.

Keywords: social journalism, modern mass media, journalism functions, journalism mission, social responsibility, social trouble, club of social journalism.

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