Author: ZOTOV V.V.
ZОТОV Vitaly Vladimirovich, Doctor of Social Science, Professor, Head of the Research Department of the Development of the Public and Municipal Service of the Region, Professor of the Chair of Public and Municipal Administration of Kursk Academy of the Public and Municipal Service. Address: 305029, Kursk, Stantsionnaya St., 9. Tel/fax: +7 (4712) 34-32-76. E-mail:
Annotation. The article considers the information and communication bases of dialogue of the state and society, including the use of the Internet opportunities of organizing interaction of the population and the authorities. The accruing role of network communities in political life is shown.
Keywords: information and communication environment, civil society, state and society dialogue, network communities.
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VASILENKO Vladimir Ivanovich, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Deputy Head of Russian Statehood History Department, Faculty of the State Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. Е-mail:
Annotation. The article examines the contradictions arising in the global network in a democracy. There are new trends and threats to society in the twentieth century. They are related to the impact of globalization of information space, intensive development of information technology and the formation of a network structure of society. There is a problem of society to adapt to the speed of social change. We have to be responsible in the selection of targets and policy decisions. We have to know the laws of development, before we take vital decisions and try to fix the future. The issue of safety culture comes to the fore. Safety culture provides meaningful human interaction . It protects against the risks, threats, dangers, challenges. We need to combine the potential, knowledge, resources, intellectual, human and social capital for sustainable development. Global civil society has to learn a new type of culture: "geoinformation culture of safety". We need to find dynamic patterns, mechanisms of social integration, to bring people together into a coherent whole, through the recognition of common values in accordance with the increasing complexity of social processes in a globalizing world. Safety of society depends on the goals that we set for ourselves, from the way in which we recognize the values of social structure in the dialogue of cultures and how we will solve the contradictions in cross-cultural communication.
Keywords: safety culture, networking, communication and democracy, communication in the structure of cultural space, the values in the dialogue of cultures, globalization versus cultural identity, competition in the political system, a variety of in modern culture.
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Author: EFREMOV E. A.
EFREMOV Evgeny Aleksandrovich, Doctor of psychology (PhD), Teacher of Public Relations and Media Policy Department of the Institute of State Service and Human Resources of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (IGSUP RANE). Address: 84, Vernadskogo prospect, Moscow, Russia, 119571. Tel.: +7 (495) 933-80-30. E-mail:
Annotation. The author reveals the approaches of urban policy at different times under different political systems on the example of two states - the Soviet Union and Germany, in the thirties and the fifties of the last century. Various approaches to urban policy of totalitarian modes are considered. The special attention is paid to the influence of architecture on human mind, its behavioral characteristics, the ability of architecture to form patriotic feelings, as well as the identity of the citizens of the city and the country. The article also addresses urban policies in Russia adopted by the ruling elite under the concept of the bourgeois-democratic state in the 1990s. The article reflects the real facts of this policy on the example of Moscow and defines a list of issues that must be addressed by means of urban planning policy of the modern metropolis.
Keywords: urban planning policies, power and urban policies, the impact of architecture on the consciousness and behavioral characteristics of a person.
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