Author: Sergey V. Novikov, Ekaterina O. Kazakova
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.4
Sergey Vyacheslavovich Novikov, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), associate professor of department “Management and Marketing of High-Tech Industry”, Moscow Aviation Institute;
Ekaterina Olegovna Kazakova, senior lecturer of department “Public administration and social technologies”, Moscow Aviation Institute. Address: 121552, Russia, Moscow, Volokolamskoye hr., 4. Е-mail:
Abstract. The article represents the list of the key problems reducing efficiency of realization of foreign cultural policy of the Russian Federation within the “Year of Russia” project, revealed by authors based on the analysis of 10 realized projects in the countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America. The authors assess the efficiency of each of the “Years of Russia” is taking into account the dynamics of tourist flow – the number of the incoming foreign tourists – during the period, subsequent to the project. For each of the eight identified problems, the authors propose a solution that lays in the plane of communicative practices, and should improve the quality of future PR campaigns. The main steps aimed at improving the effectiveness of the “Year of Russia” project are, as listed: (1) development of the image strategy for Russia;
(2) creation of a single structure responsible for the implementation of such projects; (3) cooperation with Russia Today in coverage of the events within the project.
Keywords: image of Russia, image strategy, cultural policy, expansion of cultural presence, Year of Russia abroad, efficiency of cultural policy, communicative potential, Year of Russia
Text: PDF
For citation: Novikov S.V., Kazakova E.O. The Ways for Increase in Efficiency of Communicative Potential of the “Year of Russia” project abroad. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.4. P. 99-110. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-4-99-110.
Bauman Z. (1998). On Glocalization: or Globalization for some, Localization for some Others. Thesis Eleven. Vol.: 54, Issue: 1. P. 37-49.
Bauman Z. (2004). Globalization: The Human Consequences. Polity Press.
Candace W.L. (2012). Brands and national image: an exploration of inverse country-of-origin effect. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Vol. 8, Issue 2. P. 110-118.
Cocteau J. (2010). Portraits-souvenir / Trans. with fr. Dmitrienko L.V. Moscow: Ivan Limbakh Publishing House (In Rus.).
Gertner D., Kotler P. (2002). Country as brand, product and beyond: a place marketing and brand management perspective. Journal of Brand Management. Vol. 9, Issue 4. P. 249-261.
Grinev I.V. (2009). The role of national Russian culture in the formation of the country's international image: abstract dis. Cand. Sc. (Philos.). Moscow (In Rus.).
Hancock K.J. (2007). Russia: great power image versus economic reality. Asian Perspective. P. 71-98.
Ivanov I. (2003). A New Foreign Policy Year for Russia and the World. International Affairs. Vol. 49. No. 6. P. 33-39.
Kim J., Kang J., Kim Y.-K. (2014). Impact of Mega Sport Events on Destination Image and Country Image. Sport Marketing Quarterly. Vol. 23, Issue 3. P. 161-175.
Koubaa Y. (2008). Country of origin, brand image perception, and brand image structure. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 20, Issue: 2. P.139-155.
Likhachev D.S. (2000). Russian culture. Moscow: Art (In Rus.).
Lyabukhov I.V. (2010). Formation of a positive image of the Russian Federation in the international arena: the opportunities and potential of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bulletin of Tomsk
State University. Series Philosophy. Sociology. Political science. No.3 (19). P.14-28 (In Rus.). McLuhan H.M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. London: Routledge. Nebenzahl I., Jaffe E. (1996). Measuring the joint effect of brand and country image in consumer evaluation of global products. International Marketing Review. Vol. 13, Issue 4. P.5-22.
Stepchenkova S., Morrison M.A. (2006). The destination image of Russia: From the online induced perspective. Tourism Management. Vol. 27, Issue 5. P. 943-956.
Stepchenkova S., Morrison M.A. (2008). Russia’s destination image among American pleasure travelers: Revisiting Echtner and Ritchie. Tourism Management. Vol. 29, Issue 3. P. 548-560.
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.4
Sergey Vyacheslavovich Novikov, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), associate professor of department “Management and Marketing of High-Tech Industry”, Moscow Aviation Institute;
Ekaterina Olegovna Kazakova, senior lecturer of department “Public administration and social technologies”, Moscow Aviation Institute. Address: 121552, Russia, Moscow, Volokolamskoye hr., 4. Е-mail:
Abstract. The article represents the list of the key problems reducing efficiency of realization of foreign cultural policy of the Russian Federation within the “Year of Russia” project, revealed by authors based on the analysis of 10 realized projects in the countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America. The authors assess the efficiency of each of the “Years of Russia” is taking into account the dynamics of tourist flow – the number of the incoming foreign tourists – during the period, subsequent to the project. For each of the eight identified problems, the authors propose a solution that lays in the plane of communicative practices, and should improve the quality of future PR campaigns. The main steps aimed at improving the effectiveness of the “Year of Russia” project are, as listed: (1) development of the image strategy for Russia;
(2) creation of a single structure responsible for the implementation of such projects; (3) cooperation with Russia Today in coverage of the events within the project.
Keywords: image of Russia, image strategy, cultural policy, expansion of cultural presence, Year of Russia abroad, efficiency of cultural policy, communicative potential, Year of Russia
Text: PDF
For citation: Novikov S.V., Kazakova E.O. The Ways for Increase in Efficiency of Communicative Potential of the “Year of Russia” project abroad. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.4. P. 99-110. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-4-99-110.
Bauman Z. (1998). On Glocalization: or Globalization for some, Localization for some Others. Thesis Eleven. Vol.: 54, Issue: 1. P. 37-49.
Bauman Z. (2004). Globalization: The Human Consequences. Polity Press.
Candace W.L. (2012). Brands and national image: an exploration of inverse country-of-origin effect. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy. Vol. 8, Issue 2. P. 110-118.
Cocteau J. (2010). Portraits-souvenir / Trans. with fr. Dmitrienko L.V. Moscow: Ivan Limbakh Publishing House (In Rus.).
Gertner D., Kotler P. (2002). Country as brand, product and beyond: a place marketing and brand management perspective. Journal of Brand Management. Vol. 9, Issue 4. P. 249-261.
Grinev I.V. (2009). The role of national Russian culture in the formation of the country's international image: abstract dis. Cand. Sc. (Philos.). Moscow (In Rus.).
Hancock K.J. (2007). Russia: great power image versus economic reality. Asian Perspective. P. 71-98.
Ivanov I. (2003). A New Foreign Policy Year for Russia and the World. International Affairs. Vol. 49. No. 6. P. 33-39.
Kim J., Kang J., Kim Y.-K. (2014). Impact of Mega Sport Events on Destination Image and Country Image. Sport Marketing Quarterly. Vol. 23, Issue 3. P. 161-175.
Koubaa Y. (2008). Country of origin, brand image perception, and brand image structure. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 20, Issue: 2. P.139-155.
Likhachev D.S. (2000). Russian culture. Moscow: Art (In Rus.).
Lyabukhov I.V. (2010). Formation of a positive image of the Russian Federation in the international arena: the opportunities and potential of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bulletin of Tomsk
State University. Series Philosophy. Sociology. Political science. No.3 (19). P.14-28 (In Rus.). McLuhan H.M. (1964). Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. London: Routledge. Nebenzahl I., Jaffe E. (1996). Measuring the joint effect of brand and country image in consumer evaluation of global products. International Marketing Review. Vol. 13, Issue 4. P.5-22.
Stepchenkova S., Morrison M.A. (2006). The destination image of Russia: From the online induced perspective. Tourism Management. Vol. 27, Issue 5. P. 943-956.
Stepchenkova S., Morrison M.A. (2008). Russia’s destination image among American pleasure travelers: Revisiting Echtner and Ritchie. Tourism Management. Vol. 29, Issue 3. P. 548-560.