Social Adaptation of Labor Migrants and their Integration into the Polyethnic Space of Regions: communicative aspects

Author: Elena A. Nazarova

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.4
Elena Aleksandrovna Nazarova, Dr. Sc. (Soc.) Professor at the department of public relations and mediapolicy, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail:

Abstract. The paper represents the author’s vision of the results of a sociological survey conducted by the specialists of the Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Science (RAS) in Krasnodar within the grant project of Russian Science Foundation No.15-18-00093 “Forecasting the Modeling of Interethnic Relations in Russian Regions (based on the analysis of the identification strategies of diaspora / land groups” and the monograph by A.V. Dmitriev and V.V. Voronov1. Based on results of the secondary analysis of sociological data, the author reveals communicative models of social adaptation and integration of migrants in the host community by preferred subjects and channels of communication. The author considers and systematizes the main communicative problems, such as the lack of communication platforms, publications in national languages, current news channels, broadcasting local news and situations in the homeland of migrants in their native languages.

Keywords: labor migrants, social adaptation, communicative models, diasporas and communities

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For citation: Nazarova E.A. Social adaptation of labor migrants and their integration into the polyethnic space of regions: communicative aspects.  Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.4. P. 37-44. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-4-37-44.

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