Author: Sergey A. Vorontsov, Alexandr V. Ponedelkov, Felix I. Sharkov
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Sergey Alexeevich Vorontsov, Dr. Sc. (Law), professor of the department of procedural law, South-Russian Institute of Management;
Alexander Vasilievich Ponedelkov, Dr. Sc. (Pol.), Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of political science and ethnopolitics, RANEPA;
Felix Izosimovich Sharkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.) Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of public relations and media policy of the Institute of public service and management, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail:
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the investigation of the value base and factors of consolidation of modern Russian society, based on the materials of sociological research conducted by the Laboratory on improvement of the efficiency of public and municipal administration of South-Russian Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA (February – April 2018) on the territory of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation: Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Stavropol region, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Chechen Republic, Komi Republic, Republic of Karelia, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk region and Primorsky Krai.
As a result of the study, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that in order to strengthen the civil identity, it is necessary to have a clear institutional separation of the zone of responsibility of the state and civil society. In this case, organizations focused on the reproduction and implementation of the civil worldview and civil identity will expand the institutional space in which the existing shortcomings in the work of state bodies and violations of citizens’ rights will be subject to systemic and objective criticism. Civil identity in the regional social and political environment is a field of certain contradictions and many promising efforts, both of the authorities and citizens. This actualizes the large-scale potential of civil identity as the most important political and management project, the implementation of which under modern conditions can ensure the realization of the human potential of society and bring it in line with the objectives of innovative development.
Keywords: axiological foundations, civic identity, religious differences, ethnic and cultural diversity, the consolidation of society
Text: PDF
For citation: Vorontsov S.A., Ponedelkov A.V., Sharkov F.I. On Value Basis and Communication in Consolidation of Modern Russian Society. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 58-69. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-58-69.
Chugrov S.V. (2017). Post-truth. Transformation of political reality or self-destruction of liberal democracy. Polis (Political Studies). No. 2 (In Rus.).
Consolidation / Merriam-Webster online dictionary [el. source]: http://www.merriam-webster. com/dictionary/consolidation
Göbel C. (2011). Authoritarian Consolidation. European Political Science. June 2011, 10. P. 176–190.
Goncharov D.V. (1995). Political mobilization. Polis (Political Studies). No. 6. P. 129-137. Gorshkov M.K. (ed., 2011). Twenty years of reforms through the eyes of Russians (the experience
of many years of sociological measurements). Analytical report / Ed. M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Institute of the RAS. P. 175.
Gorshkov M.K., Petukhov V.V. (eds., 2015). Russian society and the challenges of time. Moscow: Ves’ Mir. P. 307-308 (In Rus.).
Guillermo A. (1996). O'Donnell Illusions About Consolidation. Journal of Democracy. April 1996. Vol. 7, Number 2. P. 34–51.
Kireyeva O.F. (2017). Communication consulting in the system of ensuring social and information security. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 96-105 (In Rus.).
Kopzhassarova U.I., Beissenbaeva B.A., Kagazbaev Z.A., Akbaeva G.N., Eskazinova Z.A. (2015). Consolidation of polyethnic society as essential strategy of national policy of Kazakhstan Republic. Eeuropean Journal of Science and Theology. Vol.11. No.3. P. 167-174.
Kuznetsov V.N. (2003). On the sociological sense of the ideology of consolidation: the geocultural aspect. The security of Eurasia. No. 3 (13). P. 7-47 (In Rus.).
Levashov V.K. (2004). Moral and Political Consolidation of Russian Society in Conditions of Neoliberal Transformations. Socis (Social Studies). No. 7. P. 27-45 (In Rus.).
Lindenmeyr A. (2012). Building a Civil Society One Brick at a Time: People‘s Houses and Worker Enlightenment in Late Imperial Russia. The Journal of Modern History. Vol. 84. No.1 (March 2012). University of Chicago Press. P. 1-39.
Nugayev R.M. (2003). Social ideology as a factor of the formation of civil society. Social and humanitarian knowledge. No. 4. P. 120-129 (In Rus.).
Popov M.Yu. (2004). Socialization of the individual in conditions of deideologization: in the search for the ideology of consolidation. Social and humanitarian knowledge. № 6. P. 63-78 (In Rus.).
Salazar J.M. (1998). Social identity and national identity. In: Social identity: International perspectives / ed. S. Worchel, J.F Morales, D. Paez and J.C. Deschamps (eds.). SAGE Publications. P. 145.
Schedler A. (1998). What is Democratic Consolidation? Journal of Democracy. April 1998. Vol. 9, No. 2. P. 91-107.
Velikaya N.M. (2005). Problems of consolidation of society and power. Socis (Social Studies). No. 5. P.60-71.
Yakovenko IG (2014). Russia and modernization in the 1990s and beyond: the socio-cultural dimension. Moscow: New knowledge. P. 73-74.
Yakovlev A.A. (2003). On the failed modernization and social base of reforms in Russia. Problems of Statistics. No. 4. P. 36-38.
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Sergey Alexeevich Vorontsov, Dr. Sc. (Law), professor of the department of procedural law, South-Russian Institute of Management;
Alexander Vasilievich Ponedelkov, Dr. Sc. (Pol.), Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of political science and ethnopolitics, RANEPA;
Felix Izosimovich Sharkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.) Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of public relations and media policy of the Institute of public service and management, RANEPA. Address: 119571, Russia, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. E-mail:
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the investigation of the value base and factors of consolidation of modern Russian society, based on the materials of sociological research conducted by the Laboratory on improvement of the efficiency of public and municipal administration of South-Russian Institute of Management – branch of RANEPA (February – April 2018) on the territory of a number of subjects of the Russian Federation: Rostov region, Krasnodar region, Stavropol region, Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Chechen Republic, Komi Republic, Republic of Karelia, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk region and Primorsky Krai.
As a result of the study, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that in order to strengthen the civil identity, it is necessary to have a clear institutional separation of the zone of responsibility of the state and civil society. In this case, organizations focused on the reproduction and implementation of the civil worldview and civil identity will expand the institutional space in which the existing shortcomings in the work of state bodies and violations of citizens’ rights will be subject to systemic and objective criticism. Civil identity in the regional social and political environment is a field of certain contradictions and many promising efforts, both of the authorities and citizens. This actualizes the large-scale potential of civil identity as the most important political and management project, the implementation of which under modern conditions can ensure the realization of the human potential of society and bring it in line with the objectives of innovative development.
Keywords: axiological foundations, civic identity, religious differences, ethnic and cultural diversity, the consolidation of society
Text: PDF
For citation: Vorontsov S.A., Ponedelkov A.V., Sharkov F.I. On Value Basis and Communication in Consolidation of Modern Russian Society. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 58-69. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-58-69.
Chugrov S.V. (2017). Post-truth. Transformation of political reality or self-destruction of liberal democracy. Polis (Political Studies). No. 2 (In Rus.).
Consolidation / Merriam-Webster online dictionary [el. source]: http://www.merriam-webster. com/dictionary/consolidation
Göbel C. (2011). Authoritarian Consolidation. European Political Science. June 2011, 10. P. 176–190.
Goncharov D.V. (1995). Political mobilization. Polis (Political Studies). No. 6. P. 129-137. Gorshkov M.K. (ed., 2011). Twenty years of reforms through the eyes of Russians (the experience
of many years of sociological measurements). Analytical report / Ed. M.K. Gorshkov. Moscow: Institute of the RAS. P. 175.
Gorshkov M.K., Petukhov V.V. (eds., 2015). Russian society and the challenges of time. Moscow: Ves’ Mir. P. 307-308 (In Rus.).
Guillermo A. (1996). O'Donnell Illusions About Consolidation. Journal of Democracy. April 1996. Vol. 7, Number 2. P. 34–51.
Kireyeva O.F. (2017). Communication consulting in the system of ensuring social and information security. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 96-105 (In Rus.).
Kopzhassarova U.I., Beissenbaeva B.A., Kagazbaev Z.A., Akbaeva G.N., Eskazinova Z.A. (2015). Consolidation of polyethnic society as essential strategy of national policy of Kazakhstan Republic. Eeuropean Journal of Science and Theology. Vol.11. No.3. P. 167-174.
Kuznetsov V.N. (2003). On the sociological sense of the ideology of consolidation: the geocultural aspect. The security of Eurasia. No. 3 (13). P. 7-47 (In Rus.).
Levashov V.K. (2004). Moral and Political Consolidation of Russian Society in Conditions of Neoliberal Transformations. Socis (Social Studies). No. 7. P. 27-45 (In Rus.).
Lindenmeyr A. (2012). Building a Civil Society One Brick at a Time: People‘s Houses and Worker Enlightenment in Late Imperial Russia. The Journal of Modern History. Vol. 84. No.1 (March 2012). University of Chicago Press. P. 1-39.
Nugayev R.M. (2003). Social ideology as a factor of the formation of civil society. Social and humanitarian knowledge. No. 4. P. 120-129 (In Rus.).
Popov M.Yu. (2004). Socialization of the individual in conditions of deideologization: in the search for the ideology of consolidation. Social and humanitarian knowledge. № 6. P. 63-78 (In Rus.).
Salazar J.M. (1998). Social identity and national identity. In: Social identity: International perspectives / ed. S. Worchel, J.F Morales, D. Paez and J.C. Deschamps (eds.). SAGE Publications. P. 145.
Schedler A. (1998). What is Democratic Consolidation? Journal of Democracy. April 1998. Vol. 9, No. 2. P. 91-107.
Velikaya N.M. (2005). Problems of consolidation of society and power. Socis (Social Studies). No. 5. P.60-71.
Yakovenko IG (2014). Russia and modernization in the 1990s and beyond: the socio-cultural dimension. Moscow: New knowledge. P. 73-74.
Yakovlev A.A. (2003). On the failed modernization and social base of reforms in Russia. Problems of Statistics. No. 4. P. 36-38.