The Essence of Information Warfare in Regional Political Conflicts and the Main Forms of its Manifestation

Author: Yulia D. Muratova 

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.1
Yulia Djamilevna Muratova, postgraduate student at the department of conflict management, Kazan Federal University. Address: 420008, Kazan, Kremlyovskaya st., 18. Е-mail:

Abstract. The paper dwells upon the examination of role of information warfare in contemporary political practice and its ability to influence political conflict. The author analyses of some of the most authoritative concepts in the scientific community of domestic and foreign theorists. Besides, the author reveals the principal approaches to the concept of information warfare through scientific discussion on the level of independence of this phenomenon as a substantive type of warfare. The information warfare is as a tool of ‘soft power’ used by the regional political actors to influence on other sovereign states with a view to achieve certain objectives of foreign policy. The author explores all the components of the information warfare including modern technologies of influence in cyberspace, hacker attacks on computer systems and traditionally known information and psychological propaganda.

Keywords: information warfare, information-psychological impact, cybernetic war, political conflict, hacker attacks, electronic warfare, information technologies, hybrid warfare

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For citation: Muratova Y.D. The Essence of Information Warfare in Regional Political Conflicts and the Main Forms of its Manifestation. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.1. P. 34-45. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-1-34-45.

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