Author: D.V. Kravtsov, V.D. Isayev, V.N. Lebed, K.A. Voskanyan
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.1
Dmitry Nikolaevich Kravtsov, postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration;
Vladimir Danilovich Isayev, Dr. Sc. (Philos.), professor, head of the department of world philosophy and theology of the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences of the Lugansk National University;
Viktor Nikolayevich Lebed, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), assoc. prof. at the department of organization and management, Belgorod State Agrarian University;
Kristina Arsenovna Voskanyan, student of the department of transportation control, Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. Е-mail:
Abstract. The end of the twentieth century was marked by the end of the «cold war», but the geopolitical rivalry between the West and Russia did not stop. Strengthened as an independent, strong state, Russia is increasingly acting as a military and political competitor to USА hegemony, forcing the USА and its satellites to continue to wage a geopolitical battle with Russia for world primacy. A special place in this struggle is allocated to the youth, which is one of the most vulnerable objects of the impact of ideological, information-psychological and cultural confrontation.
Destructively influencing the younger generation of Russian citizens, Western propagandists seek to disintegrate the Russian nation from within. Analysis of technologies and the specifics of the processes of this impact allows us to justify talking about the conduct of an undeclared «spiritual war» against our country, the goals of which are the destabilization of the sociopolitical situation in Russia and the undermining of its constitutional system.
The goals of this war are achieved through the implementation of the main directions of destructive anti-Russian activity: undermining confidence in the national mentally-spiritual ideological basis of the Russian people through ideological struggle; propaganda of antisocial, anti-Russian and western sentiments through means of information-psychological influence; active realization of the cultural expansion of Western values and life style (westernization).
The consequence of the implementation of these areas of activity are numerous destructive social phenomena that threaten Russia’s national security, including a reduction in the number of young people, its spiritual and moral decay and degradation, and destabilization of the domestic political situation. In connection with this, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective system of measures to counteract the destructive Western influence on various social groups of Russian society.
Keywords: national security, youth, the object of destructive influence, means of struggle, westernization
Text: PDF
For citation: Kravtsov D.N., Isayev V.D., Lebed V.N., Voskanyan K.A. Russian Youth as an Object of Destructive Influence of Ideological, Psychological and Cultural Confrontation of the West. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.1. P. 68-83. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2018-6-1-68-83.
Arzumanyan R. (2015). Religion in the operating environment of irregular wars. 21st century. No. 3 (36). P. 28-39 (In Rus.).
Bromley D.G. (1997). Social and Cultural Elements of Radical Organizations. In T. Robbins and
S. Palmer (Eds.) Millennium, Messiahs, and Mayhem: Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements. London: Routledge. Р. 31-46.
Butorov S. (2014). To the question of the Cold War: the beginning of a new or a continuation of the past? (Historical and cultural aspect). Bulletin of MGUKI. No. 6 (62). Р.42-48 (In Rus.).
Chugunova K. (2015). Information weapons as a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. Actual Problems of Russian Law. No. 7. P. 59-64 (In Rus.).
Ershov B. (2009). The Importance of Spiritual and Moral Values in the Education of Youth. Vestnik VSTU. No. 3. P. 34-37 (In Rus.).
Evteeva T. (2011). Dialogue of Cultures «Russia» and «West»: Common and Different in the Development of Civilizations. Analytics of Cultural Studies. No. 21. P.119-126 (In Rus.).
Filimonov G. (2008). Youth subcultures as an instrument of US policy. Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: International relations. No. 1. P. 34-45 (In Rus.).
Frolov F. (2012). Cultural-linguistic expansion: concept and content. Army and Society. No. 3
(31). Р. 26-30 (In Rus.).
Frolov F.S. (2014). Cultural and linguistic expansion: the geopolitical aspect. Army and Society.
No. 4 (41). P. 17-22 (In Rus.).
Grigoryev S. (2013). The Vitalist Sociology of Endarkening as a Basis of Scientific Support for Overcoming the Crisis Development of Contemporary Russian Society. Uchenye zapiski ZabGU. Series: Philosophy, sociology, culturology, social work. No. 4 (51). P. 39-45 (In Rus.).
Korchagin P. (2013). Trends of Public Health in the Region. Problems of Territory Development. No. 2 (64). P. 75-86 (In Rus.).
Korolenko A. (2014). The main features of the current demographic crisis in Russia and ways to overcome it. Problems of Territory Development. No.2 (70). P.79-94 (In Rus.).
Kozoriz N. (2013). Information security in the global information space. Law and State. No. 7. P. 146-150 (In Rus.).
Kravtsova A. (2016). Information terror as a threat to information-psychological security of the individual, society and the state. ICIAT Bulletin. No.2 (33). Р.95-98 (In Rus.).
Labussere O. (2011). La norme et le mouvant: elements pour une relecture de l’reuvre de Jean Gottmann. Geographie et Cultures. No. 72. Рp. 7-23.
Makarova I., Bezzaponniy A. (2006). Information wars of the present: some questions of theory. Society and Law. No. 4 (14). P. 46-49 (In Rus.).
Makarova I., Panichik A. (2009). Youth and Information Wars in the Conditions of Social and Economic Instability. Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. No. 4. P. 157-159 (In Rus.).
Markov A. (2011). Some Aspects of Information Security in the Context of National Security. Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Ser. 12. Issue 1. P. 26-35. (In Rus.).
Matveenko Y. I. (2014). Modernization processes in an Era of Globalization: choice of the Strategy for modern Russia. Global Science and Innovation. Chicago-USA.
Matveenko Y., Galaeva M. (2015). «Soft power» as a factor of modern geopolitics. PolitBook. No.1. P.165-179.
Milyukov S. (2015). Drug aggression against Russia: search for asymmetric answers // Criminology: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. No.1 (36). P. 36-41 (In Rus.).
Mukhina E. (2009). Spiritual and moral problems of personality development in modern Russian society. Bulletin of Maikop State Technological University. No. 3. P. 35-37 (In Rus.).
Nye J.S. (1990). Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York.
Nye J.S. (2004). Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics. New York: Public Affairs. Pershutkin S. (2010). On the attention of society to public problems, about the participation of
the state in their overcoming. The Security of Eurasia. No. 2. P. 388-392 (In Rus.).
Pershutkin S. (2011). Young people «in the categories of war». Knowledge. Understanding. Skills. No. 3. P. 102-107 (In Rus.).
Platonov O. (1997). The Crown of Thorns of Russia. History of the Russian people in the XX century. Moscow: Spring (In Rus.).
Saunders F. S. (1999). The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. New York: The New Press.
Shaveleva M. (2009). Some aspects of the influence of mass culture on public consciousness. Vestnik KSPU. No. 2. Р. 81-86 (In Rus.).
Sivovolov D. (2015). New Threats to Russia’s National Sovereignty in the Sphere of Information Security. Social Life and Power. No. 6 (56). P. 82-88 (In Rus.).
Topolyan A. (2012). Spiritual and moral revival as a socio-cultural basis of Russia’s modernization. Modern Research of Social Problems. No. 1. P. 1108-1117 (In Rus.).
Tuev V. (2012). Russia and the West in the era of globalization. Baikal Research Journal [electronic source]: (date of circulation: 01/21/2018) (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.1
Dmitry Nikolaevich Kravtsov, postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration;
Vladimir Danilovich Isayev, Dr. Sc. (Philos.), professor, head of the department of world philosophy and theology of the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences of the Lugansk National University;
Viktor Nikolayevich Lebed, Cand. Sc. (Econ.), assoc. prof. at the department of organization and management, Belgorod State Agrarian University;
Kristina Arsenovna Voskanyan, student of the department of transportation control, Rostov State University of Railway Transport. Address: 119571, Moscow, Vernadsky av., 84. Е-mail:
Abstract. The end of the twentieth century was marked by the end of the «cold war», but the geopolitical rivalry between the West and Russia did not stop. Strengthened as an independent, strong state, Russia is increasingly acting as a military and political competitor to USА hegemony, forcing the USА and its satellites to continue to wage a geopolitical battle with Russia for world primacy. A special place in this struggle is allocated to the youth, which is one of the most vulnerable objects of the impact of ideological, information-psychological and cultural confrontation.
Destructively influencing the younger generation of Russian citizens, Western propagandists seek to disintegrate the Russian nation from within. Analysis of technologies and the specifics of the processes of this impact allows us to justify talking about the conduct of an undeclared «spiritual war» against our country, the goals of which are the destabilization of the sociopolitical situation in Russia and the undermining of its constitutional system.
The goals of this war are achieved through the implementation of the main directions of destructive anti-Russian activity: undermining confidence in the national mentally-spiritual ideological basis of the Russian people through ideological struggle; propaganda of antisocial, anti-Russian and western sentiments through means of information-psychological influence; active realization of the cultural expansion of Western values and life style (westernization).
The consequence of the implementation of these areas of activity are numerous destructive social phenomena that threaten Russia’s national security, including a reduction in the number of young people, its spiritual and moral decay and degradation, and destabilization of the domestic political situation. In connection with this, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective system of measures to counteract the destructive Western influence on various social groups of Russian society.
Keywords: national security, youth, the object of destructive influence, means of struggle, westernization
Text: PDF
For citation: Kravtsov D.N., Isayev V.D., Lebed V.N., Voskanyan K.A. Russian Youth as an Object of Destructive Influence of Ideological, Psychological and Cultural Confrontation of the West. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.1. P. 68-83. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2018-6-1-68-83.
Arzumanyan R. (2015). Religion in the operating environment of irregular wars. 21st century. No. 3 (36). P. 28-39 (In Rus.).
Bromley D.G. (1997). Social and Cultural Elements of Radical Organizations. In T. Robbins and
S. Palmer (Eds.) Millennium, Messiahs, and Mayhem: Contemporary Apocalyptic Movements. London: Routledge. Р. 31-46.
Butorov S. (2014). To the question of the Cold War: the beginning of a new or a continuation of the past? (Historical and cultural aspect). Bulletin of MGUKI. No. 6 (62). Р.42-48 (In Rus.).
Chugunova K. (2015). Information weapons as a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. Actual Problems of Russian Law. No. 7. P. 59-64 (In Rus.).
Ershov B. (2009). The Importance of Spiritual and Moral Values in the Education of Youth. Vestnik VSTU. No. 3. P. 34-37 (In Rus.).
Evteeva T. (2011). Dialogue of Cultures «Russia» and «West»: Common and Different in the Development of Civilizations. Analytics of Cultural Studies. No. 21. P.119-126 (In Rus.).
Filimonov G. (2008). Youth subcultures as an instrument of US policy. Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Series: International relations. No. 1. P. 34-45 (In Rus.).
Frolov F. (2012). Cultural-linguistic expansion: concept and content. Army and Society. No. 3
(31). Р. 26-30 (In Rus.).
Frolov F.S. (2014). Cultural and linguistic expansion: the geopolitical aspect. Army and Society.
No. 4 (41). P. 17-22 (In Rus.).
Grigoryev S. (2013). The Vitalist Sociology of Endarkening as a Basis of Scientific Support for Overcoming the Crisis Development of Contemporary Russian Society. Uchenye zapiski ZabGU. Series: Philosophy, sociology, culturology, social work. No. 4 (51). P. 39-45 (In Rus.).
Korchagin P. (2013). Trends of Public Health in the Region. Problems of Territory Development. No. 2 (64). P. 75-86 (In Rus.).
Korolenko A. (2014). The main features of the current demographic crisis in Russia and ways to overcome it. Problems of Territory Development. No.2 (70). P.79-94 (In Rus.).
Kozoriz N. (2013). Information security in the global information space. Law and State. No. 7. P. 146-150 (In Rus.).
Kravtsova A. (2016). Information terror as a threat to information-psychological security of the individual, society and the state. ICIAT Bulletin. No.2 (33). Р.95-98 (In Rus.).
Labussere O. (2011). La norme et le mouvant: elements pour une relecture de l’reuvre de Jean Gottmann. Geographie et Cultures. No. 72. Рp. 7-23.
Makarova I., Bezzaponniy A. (2006). Information wars of the present: some questions of theory. Society and Law. No. 4 (14). P. 46-49 (In Rus.).
Makarova I., Panichik A. (2009). Youth and Information Wars in the Conditions of Social and Economic Instability. Bulletin of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. No. 4. P. 157-159 (In Rus.).
Markov A. (2011). Some Aspects of Information Security in the Context of National Security. Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Ser. 12. Issue 1. P. 26-35. (In Rus.).
Matveenko Y. I. (2014). Modernization processes in an Era of Globalization: choice of the Strategy for modern Russia. Global Science and Innovation. Chicago-USA.
Matveenko Y., Galaeva M. (2015). «Soft power» as a factor of modern geopolitics. PolitBook. No.1. P.165-179.
Milyukov S. (2015). Drug aggression against Russia: search for asymmetric answers // Criminology: yesterday, today, and tomorrow. No.1 (36). P. 36-41 (In Rus.).
Mukhina E. (2009). Spiritual and moral problems of personality development in modern Russian society. Bulletin of Maikop State Technological University. No. 3. P. 35-37 (In Rus.).
Nye J.S. (1990). Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power. New York.
Nye J.S. (2004). Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics. New York: Public Affairs. Pershutkin S. (2010). On the attention of society to public problems, about the participation of
the state in their overcoming. The Security of Eurasia. No. 2. P. 388-392 (In Rus.).
Pershutkin S. (2011). Young people «in the categories of war». Knowledge. Understanding. Skills. No. 3. P. 102-107 (In Rus.).
Platonov O. (1997). The Crown of Thorns of Russia. History of the Russian people in the XX century. Moscow: Spring (In Rus.).
Saunders F. S. (1999). The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. New York: The New Press.
Shaveleva M. (2009). Some aspects of the influence of mass culture on public consciousness. Vestnik KSPU. No. 2. Р. 81-86 (In Rus.).
Sivovolov D. (2015). New Threats to Russia’s National Sovereignty in the Sphere of Information Security. Social Life and Power. No. 6 (56). P. 82-88 (In Rus.).
Topolyan A. (2012). Spiritual and moral revival as a socio-cultural basis of Russia’s modernization. Modern Research of Social Problems. No. 1. P. 1108-1117 (In Rus.).
Tuev V. (2012). Russia and the West in the era of globalization. Baikal Research Journal [electronic source]: (date of circulation: 01/21/2018) (In Rus.).