Author: Eugenia V. Khramova, Natalia A. Shibanova
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Khramova Eugenia Valeryevna, assistant of the Department of conflictology of the Kazan Federal University; Shibanova Natalia Aleksandrovna, Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Associate Professor of the Department of conflictology of the Kazan Federal University. e-mail:
Abstract. The author dwells upon the transformation of the political system of the Russian Federation, which has caused certain changes in education and political science. The technology of ‘soft power’ is gradually being introduced into the administrative system. According to the theories of the neo-institutionalism and political management, communities enter into relations of interaction within the formation of state policy. Correspondingly, discourse becomes a part of the formation of state policy. The involvement of actors in discourse should be regarded as their politicization. The politicization of discourse leads to an increase in tension between the subjects of the formation and implementation of state scientific and educational policy.
Keywords: political discourse, scientific policy, educational policy, political system, politicization of discourse, the neo-institutionalism, political management, technology
Text: PDF
For citation: Khramova E.V., Shibanova N.A. The Politicization of the Scientific Educational Discourse in Modern Russia. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 24-32 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-5-24-32
Altinay H. (2011). Global Civics: Responsibilities and Rights in an Interdependent World. Washington: Brookings Institution Press. 145 p.
Bannon P. (2005). Relationship Marketing and the Political Process. In: Journal of Political Marketing. Vol. 4, No. 2-3. P. 73-90.
Bayley P. (1985). Live oratory in the television age: The language of formal speeches. In: Language, image, myth in the U.S. presidential elections 1984. Bologna. P. 104.
Burns T.R., Diez T. (2001). Revolution: An Evolutionary Perspective. International Sociology, No. 4. Byrne C. (2014). Australia’s New Colombo Plan: Enhancing regional soft power through student
mobility. In: International Journal. Vol. 71 (1), P. 107-128.
Downs A. (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy, NY: Harper and Row. P. 20.
Farukshin M.K. (2007). Kategorii politicheskoy nauki: ocherki [The categories of political science] /
Ed. by M.K Farukshin. Kazan: Tsentr innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy. 294 p. (In Russ.).
Farukshin M.K. (2017). Institutsional’nyye osnovy etnicheskikh federatsiy [The institutional framework of ethnic federations]. In: Polis. Politicheskiye issledovaniya, 2017, No. 2, P. 103-117.
Kachestvo i uspeshnost’ gosudarstvennykh politik i upravleniya [The quality and success of the state policies and management] (2012). M.: Nauchny ekspert. 496 p. (In Russ.).
Moos L. (2009). Hard and Soft Governance: the journey from transnational agencies to school leadership. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 8 (1), P. 397-406.
Morris F., Shapiro I. (2000). Political Scientists Debate Theory of ‘Rational Choice’. In: Making a Science out of Looking Out. No. 1. ULR: htm#3
Nye J., Jr. (2008). Public diplomacy and soft power. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. March 2008, Vol. 616 (1), P. 94-109.
Ormrod R.P., Henneberg S.C., O’Shaughnessy N.J. (2013). Political Marketing: Theory and Concepts. UK: Sage Publications. 224 p.
Patrushev S.V. (2011). Klikokraticheskiy poryadok kak institutsional’naya lovushka rossiyskoy modernizatsii [Clickrelease order as institutional trap for the Russian modernization]. In: Polis. Politicheskiye issledovaniya, 2011, No. 6. P. 120-133. (In Russ.).
Polulyakh D.S. (2015). Diskursy natsional’nykh strategiy razvitiya v mirovoy politike: sravnitel’nyy analiz [The discourses of national development strategies in world politics: a comparative analysis]. In: Politicheskaya nauka: Nauch. zhurn. / Ed. by Meleshkina Y.Y. et al. No. 4, P. 170-179. (In Russ.).
Roselle L. (2014). Strategic narrative: A new means to understand soft power. Media, War & Conflict. Vol. 7 (1), P. 70-84.
Rossiyskaya povsednevnost’ i politicheskaya kul’tura: vozmozhnosti, problemy i predely transformatsii [Russian everyday life and political culture: possibilities, problems and limits of transformation] (1996) / Ed. by S.V. Patrushev et al. M.: ISPI RAN. (In Russ.).
Solomon T. (2014). The affective underpinnings of soft power. In: European Journal of International Relations. Vol. 20 (3), P. 720-741.
Yakunin V.I., Bagdasaryan V.E., Kulikov V.I., Sulakshin S.S. (2009). Variativnost’ i tsiklichnost’ global’nogo sotsial’nogo razvitiya chelovechestva [Variability and cyclicity of global social development of mankind]. M. (In Russ.).
Yakunin V.I., Makarov V.L., Sulakshin S.S., Bagdasaryan V.E., Vilisov M.V., Leksin V.N., Simonov V.V., Roik V.D. (2008). Gosudarstvennaya ekonomicheskaya politika i ekonomicheskaya doktrina Rossii. K umnoy i nravstvennoy ekonomike [State economic policy and economic doctrine of Russia. To the intelligent and moral economy]. Vol. 5 (1). (In Russ.).
Yakunin V.I., Sulakshin S.S. et al. (2006). Politiko-pravovyye istochniki i osnovaniya formirovaniya i realizatsii gosudarstvennykh politik v Rossii [Political and legal sources and bases for the formation and implementation of state policy in Russia]. In: Scientific works of the Center of problem analysis ans state-administration development. Vol. 7. M.: Nauchnyy ekspert. (In Russ.).
Yakunin V.I., Sulakshin S.S., Vilisov M.V., Sokolov D.V. (2009). Nauka i vlast’: problema kommunikatsiy [Science and power: the problem of communication] M. (In Russ.).
Zaznayev O.I. (2006). Sotsial’nyy institut kak predmet sovremennykh nauchnykh interpretatsiy [Social Institute as a subject of modern scientific interpretations] // Uchenyye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vol. 148: Liberal Arts. Issue 1. Kazan. P. 68-76. (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Khramova Eugenia Valeryevna, assistant of the Department of conflictology of the Kazan Federal University; Shibanova Natalia Aleksandrovna, Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Associate Professor of the Department of conflictology of the Kazan Federal University. e-mail:
Abstract. The author dwells upon the transformation of the political system of the Russian Federation, which has caused certain changes in education and political science. The technology of ‘soft power’ is gradually being introduced into the administrative system. According to the theories of the neo-institutionalism and political management, communities enter into relations of interaction within the formation of state policy. Correspondingly, discourse becomes a part of the formation of state policy. The involvement of actors in discourse should be regarded as their politicization. The politicization of discourse leads to an increase in tension between the subjects of the formation and implementation of state scientific and educational policy.
Keywords: political discourse, scientific policy, educational policy, political system, politicization of discourse, the neo-institutionalism, political management, technology
Text: PDF
For citation: Khramova E.V., Shibanova N.A. The Politicization of the Scientific Educational Discourse in Modern Russia. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 24-32 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-5-24-32
Altinay H. (2011). Global Civics: Responsibilities and Rights in an Interdependent World. Washington: Brookings Institution Press. 145 p.
Bannon P. (2005). Relationship Marketing and the Political Process. In: Journal of Political Marketing. Vol. 4, No. 2-3. P. 73-90.
Bayley P. (1985). Live oratory in the television age: The language of formal speeches. In: Language, image, myth in the U.S. presidential elections 1984. Bologna. P. 104.
Burns T.R., Diez T. (2001). Revolution: An Evolutionary Perspective. International Sociology, No. 4. Byrne C. (2014). Australia’s New Colombo Plan: Enhancing regional soft power through student
mobility. In: International Journal. Vol. 71 (1), P. 107-128.
Downs A. (1957). An Economic Theory of Democracy, NY: Harper and Row. P. 20.
Farukshin M.K. (2007). Kategorii politicheskoy nauki: ocherki [The categories of political science] /
Ed. by M.K Farukshin. Kazan: Tsentr innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy. 294 p. (In Russ.).
Farukshin M.K. (2017). Institutsional’nyye osnovy etnicheskikh federatsiy [The institutional framework of ethnic federations]. In: Polis. Politicheskiye issledovaniya, 2017, No. 2, P. 103-117.
Kachestvo i uspeshnost’ gosudarstvennykh politik i upravleniya [The quality and success of the state policies and management] (2012). M.: Nauchny ekspert. 496 p. (In Russ.).
Moos L. (2009). Hard and Soft Governance: the journey from transnational agencies to school leadership. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 8 (1), P. 397-406.
Morris F., Shapiro I. (2000). Political Scientists Debate Theory of ‘Rational Choice’. In: Making a Science out of Looking Out. No. 1. ULR: htm#3
Nye J., Jr. (2008). Public diplomacy and soft power. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. March 2008, Vol. 616 (1), P. 94-109.
Ormrod R.P., Henneberg S.C., O’Shaughnessy N.J. (2013). Political Marketing: Theory and Concepts. UK: Sage Publications. 224 p.
Patrushev S.V. (2011). Klikokraticheskiy poryadok kak institutsional’naya lovushka rossiyskoy modernizatsii [Clickrelease order as institutional trap for the Russian modernization]. In: Polis. Politicheskiye issledovaniya, 2011, No. 6. P. 120-133. (In Russ.).
Polulyakh D.S. (2015). Diskursy natsional’nykh strategiy razvitiya v mirovoy politike: sravnitel’nyy analiz [The discourses of national development strategies in world politics: a comparative analysis]. In: Politicheskaya nauka: Nauch. zhurn. / Ed. by Meleshkina Y.Y. et al. No. 4, P. 170-179. (In Russ.).
Roselle L. (2014). Strategic narrative: A new means to understand soft power. Media, War & Conflict. Vol. 7 (1), P. 70-84.
Rossiyskaya povsednevnost’ i politicheskaya kul’tura: vozmozhnosti, problemy i predely transformatsii [Russian everyday life and political culture: possibilities, problems and limits of transformation] (1996) / Ed. by S.V. Patrushev et al. M.: ISPI RAN. (In Russ.).
Solomon T. (2014). The affective underpinnings of soft power. In: European Journal of International Relations. Vol. 20 (3), P. 720-741.
Yakunin V.I., Bagdasaryan V.E., Kulikov V.I., Sulakshin S.S. (2009). Variativnost’ i tsiklichnost’ global’nogo sotsial’nogo razvitiya chelovechestva [Variability and cyclicity of global social development of mankind]. M. (In Russ.).
Yakunin V.I., Makarov V.L., Sulakshin S.S., Bagdasaryan V.E., Vilisov M.V., Leksin V.N., Simonov V.V., Roik V.D. (2008). Gosudarstvennaya ekonomicheskaya politika i ekonomicheskaya doktrina Rossii. K umnoy i nravstvennoy ekonomike [State economic policy and economic doctrine of Russia. To the intelligent and moral economy]. Vol. 5 (1). (In Russ.).
Yakunin V.I., Sulakshin S.S. et al. (2006). Politiko-pravovyye istochniki i osnovaniya formirovaniya i realizatsii gosudarstvennykh politik v Rossii [Political and legal sources and bases for the formation and implementation of state policy in Russia]. In: Scientific works of the Center of problem analysis ans state-administration development. Vol. 7. M.: Nauchnyy ekspert. (In Russ.).
Yakunin V.I., Sulakshin S.S., Vilisov M.V., Sokolov D.V. (2009). Nauka i vlast’: problema kommunikatsiy [Science and power: the problem of communication] M. (In Russ.).
Zaznayev O.I. (2006). Sotsial’nyy institut kak predmet sovremennykh nauchnykh interpretatsiy [Social Institute as a subject of modern scientific interpretations] // Uchenyye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Vol. 148: Liberal Arts. Issue 1. Kazan. P. 68-76. (In Russ.).