Author: Viktor I. Filonenko, Marija S. Malysheva, Alexander V. Ponedelkov
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Filonenko Viktor Ivanovich, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Social-political Sciences, Director of the Center for Social and Political Studies, Southern Federal University, e-mail:;
Malysheva Marija Sergeevna, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Senior researcher, Center for Social and Political Studies, Southern Federal University, e-mail:;
Ponedelkov Alexander Vasilyevich – Honored Worker of Scienе, Dr. Sci. (Pol.), Professor, Head of the Chair of politology and ethnopolitics, South-Russian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
Abstract. The article is devoted to some aspects of communication between the family and the university. Authors give the characteristics of the family’s communication function. Article deals with the problem of families’ social resources’ influence on the choice of the university, the specialty and the academic activity of student youth. The article characterizes the role of the family in the formation of students’ communicative competence, the impact of students’ personal relationships with parents on relationships with teachers, differentiation in training groups. The article is based on the materials of a large-scale monitoring interregional sociological survey conducted in 2006, 2011 and 2016.
Keywords: communication, family, communicative function of the family, socialization, communicative competence, students
Text: PDF
For citation: Filonenko V.I., Malysheva M.S., Ponedelkov A.V. The Influence Of the Family on Students’ Socialization In the University. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 34-47. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2017-5-5-34-47
Apel K.-O. (1997). Transtsendentalno-germenevticheskoe ponyatie yazyika [Transcendental-hermeneutic conception of language]. In: Ot Ya k Drugomu: sbornik perevodov po problemam intersub'ektivnosti, kommunikatsii, dialoga [From I to Another: the collection of translations on the problems of intersubjectivity, communication, dialogue]. Ed. by A.A. Mihaylova. Minsk: Mensk. P. 200-222.1 (In Russ.).
Demidova E., Zaharov A. Efimova E. (2015). Rol sem’i v modernizatsii sovremennogo rossiyskogo obschestva [The role of the family in the modernization of contemporary Russian society]. In: Vlast. 2015, No. 8. P. 13-21. (In Russ.).
Dobryinina E. (2017). Shkola neravenstva. Sotsiologi naschupali glavnuyu bolevuyu tochku rossiyskogo srednego obrazovaniya [School inequality. Sociologists felt the main painful point of the Russian secondary education]. URL: (data obrascheniya 02.05.2017). (In Russ.).
Ivanov A.V. (2016). XXI vek glazami rossiyskoy molodezhi [XXI century by eyes of Russian youth]. In: Alma Mater. 2016, No. 5. P. 41-45. (In Russ.).
Mau V. (2012). Chelovecheskiy kapital: vyizovyi dlya Rossii [Human capital: challenges for Russia]. In: Voprosyi ekonomiki. 2012, No. 7. P. 114-132. (In Russ.).
Rimashevskaya N.M. (1997). Rol semi v usloviyah sotsialnyih transformatsiy. [The role of the family in conditions of social transformation]. M.: RAS Institute of Ethnology and Antropology. 116 p. (In Russ.).
Satyibaldina E.V. Semya v sisteme zhiznennyih tsennostey zhiteley srednego uralskogo goroda [Family in the system of values of inhabitants of average Ural city]. In: Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. 2011. No. 7. P. 90-95. (In Russ.).
Sotsializatsiya i vospitanie studencheskoy molodezhi vuzov Rostovskoy oblasti (sravnitelnyiy analiz rezultatov issledovaniy 2006, 2011 i 2013 godov): nauchno-metodicheskaya monografiya [Socialization and education of students of universities of the Rostov region (a comparative analysis of research results of 2006, 2011 and 2013)]. Ed. by V.I. Filonenko, I.A. Guskov). M.: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2014. 516 p. (In Russ.).
Uvarov A.G., Yastrebov G.A. (2014). Sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie semey i shkola kak konkuriruyuschie faktoryi obrazovatelnyih vozmozhnostey: Situatsiya v Rossii [The socio-economic situation of families and the school as competing factors in promoting the Situation in Russia]. In: Mir Rossii. Sotsiologiya. Etnologiya. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 103-132 (In Russ.).
Filonenko V.I., Lepin A.P. (2013). Semya kak osnovnoy agent bazovoy sotsializatsii studentov vuzov [The family as the basic agent the basic socialization of University students]. In: Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. 2013, No. 6. P. 71-77. (In Russ.).
Habermas J. (2002). Moralnoe soznanie i kommunikativnoe deystvie [Moral consciousness and communicative action]. Spb.: Nauka. P. 173-286. (In Russ.).
Habermas J. (2008). Otnosheniya k miru i ratsionalnyie aspektyi deystviya v chetyireh sotsiologicheskih ponyatiyah deystviya [Relationship to the world and the rational aspects of actions in four sociological concepts of action]. Ed. by T. Tyagunovoy. In: Sotsiologicheskoe obozrenie. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 3-25. (In Russ.).
Habermas J. (1984). What is universal pragmatics? In: Communication and the evolution of society. Polity Press. P. 1-68.
Shkaratan O.I., Yastrebov G.A. (2010). Sotsiokulturnaya preemstvennost v rossiyskoy seme (opyit empiricheskogo issledovaniya) [Social and cultural continuity in Russian family (empirical studies)]. In: Obschestvennyie nauki i sovremennost, 2010. No. 1. P. 5-27 (In Russ.).
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.5
Filonenko Viktor Ivanovich, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor of the Institute of Philosophy and Social-political Sciences, Director of the Center for Social and Political Studies, Southern Federal University, e-mail:;
Malysheva Marija Sergeevna, Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Senior researcher, Center for Social and Political Studies, Southern Federal University, e-mail:;
Ponedelkov Alexander Vasilyevich – Honored Worker of Scienе, Dr. Sci. (Pol.), Professor, Head of the Chair of politology and ethnopolitics, South-Russian Institute of Management – branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, e-mail:
Abstract. The article is devoted to some aspects of communication between the family and the university. Authors give the characteristics of the family’s communication function. Article deals with the problem of families’ social resources’ influence on the choice of the university, the specialty and the academic activity of student youth. The article characterizes the role of the family in the formation of students’ communicative competence, the impact of students’ personal relationships with parents on relationships with teachers, differentiation in training groups. The article is based on the materials of a large-scale monitoring interregional sociological survey conducted in 2006, 2011 and 2016.
Keywords: communication, family, communicative function of the family, socialization, communicative competence, students
Text: PDF
For citation: Filonenko V.I., Malysheva M.S., Ponedelkov A.V. The Influence Of the Family on Students’ Socialization In the University. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 5. P. 34-47. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2017-5-5-34-47
Apel K.-O. (1997). Transtsendentalno-germenevticheskoe ponyatie yazyika [Transcendental-hermeneutic conception of language]. In: Ot Ya k Drugomu: sbornik perevodov po problemam intersub'ektivnosti, kommunikatsii, dialoga [From I to Another: the collection of translations on the problems of intersubjectivity, communication, dialogue]. Ed. by A.A. Mihaylova. Minsk: Mensk. P. 200-222.1 (In Russ.).
Demidova E., Zaharov A. Efimova E. (2015). Rol sem’i v modernizatsii sovremennogo rossiyskogo obschestva [The role of the family in the modernization of contemporary Russian society]. In: Vlast. 2015, No. 8. P. 13-21. (In Russ.).
Dobryinina E. (2017). Shkola neravenstva. Sotsiologi naschupali glavnuyu bolevuyu tochku rossiyskogo srednego obrazovaniya [School inequality. Sociologists felt the main painful point of the Russian secondary education]. URL: (data obrascheniya 02.05.2017). (In Russ.).
Ivanov A.V. (2016). XXI vek glazami rossiyskoy molodezhi [XXI century by eyes of Russian youth]. In: Alma Mater. 2016, No. 5. P. 41-45. (In Russ.).
Mau V. (2012). Chelovecheskiy kapital: vyizovyi dlya Rossii [Human capital: challenges for Russia]. In: Voprosyi ekonomiki. 2012, No. 7. P. 114-132. (In Russ.).
Rimashevskaya N.M. (1997). Rol semi v usloviyah sotsialnyih transformatsiy. [The role of the family in conditions of social transformation]. M.: RAS Institute of Ethnology and Antropology. 116 p. (In Russ.).
Satyibaldina E.V. Semya v sisteme zhiznennyih tsennostey zhiteley srednego uralskogo goroda [Family in the system of values of inhabitants of average Ural city]. In: Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. 2011. No. 7. P. 90-95. (In Russ.).
Sotsializatsiya i vospitanie studencheskoy molodezhi vuzov Rostovskoy oblasti (sravnitelnyiy analiz rezultatov issledovaniy 2006, 2011 i 2013 godov): nauchno-metodicheskaya monografiya [Socialization and education of students of universities of the Rostov region (a comparative analysis of research results of 2006, 2011 and 2013)]. Ed. by V.I. Filonenko, I.A. Guskov). M.: Vuzovskaya kniga, 2014. 516 p. (In Russ.).
Uvarov A.G., Yastrebov G.A. (2014). Sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe polozhenie semey i shkola kak konkuriruyuschie faktoryi obrazovatelnyih vozmozhnostey: Situatsiya v Rossii [The socio-economic situation of families and the school as competing factors in promoting the Situation in Russia]. In: Mir Rossii. Sotsiologiya. Etnologiya. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 103-132 (In Russ.).
Filonenko V.I., Lepin A.P. (2013). Semya kak osnovnoy agent bazovoy sotsializatsii studentov vuzov [The family as the basic agent the basic socialization of University students]. In: Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya. 2013, No. 6. P. 71-77. (In Russ.).
Habermas J. (2002). Moralnoe soznanie i kommunikativnoe deystvie [Moral consciousness and communicative action]. Spb.: Nauka. P. 173-286. (In Russ.).
Habermas J. (2008). Otnosheniya k miru i ratsionalnyie aspektyi deystviya v chetyireh sotsiologicheskih ponyatiyah deystviya [Relationship to the world and the rational aspects of actions in four sociological concepts of action]. Ed. by T. Tyagunovoy. In: Sotsiologicheskoe obozrenie. Vol. 7. No. 1. P. 3-25. (In Russ.).
Habermas J. (1984). What is universal pragmatics? In: Communication and the evolution of society. Polity Press. P. 1-68.
Shkaratan O.I., Yastrebov G.A. (2010). Sotsiokulturnaya preemstvennost v rossiyskoy seme (opyit empiricheskogo issledovaniya) [Social and cultural continuity in Russian family (empirical studies)]. In: Obschestvennyie nauki i sovremennost, 2010. No. 1. P. 5-27 (In Russ.).