Author: Suvorova A.Yu.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
SUVOROVA Alina Yuryevna, postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Abstract. this article investigates the impact of mass media on political processes, especially – the value of Internet-technologies and new media. The author gives the approaches of different researchers to the role of the media in the context of the concept of «mediocracy», to the definition of «new media» and to use of modern technologies in politics. The article notes, that there is the need to define the term «new media» and to identify the proper typological features of this phenomenon.
Keywords: new media, mediacracy, mediatization, political communication, Internet technology.
Text: PDF
For citation: Suvorova, A. Yu., the Role of new media in the context of the mediatization of political processes. – Communicology. Volume 5. No.1.Pp.69–78 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-69–78
1. Bodrunova S.S. Mediakratija: atlanticheskie podhody k opredeleniju termina // Mediafilosofija: granicy discipliny. SPb, 2008. P. 90-105. [S. Bodrunova. Mediacracy: Atlantic Approaches to the definition // Mediaphilosophy: discipline boundaries. St. Petersburg, 2008. P. 90-105]. (In Russ.).
2. Debray, R. 2000Introduction a la mediologie. Paris, PUF.
3. Kodanina A.L. Politika i zhurnalistika kak rodstvennye kommunikacionnye sfery // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. Nizhnij Novgorod, 2014. № 2 (2). S. 443-451. [Politics and journalism as related communicative spheres // Vestnik of Lobachevsky University of Nizhni Novgorod. 2014. № 2 (2). P. 443-451]. (In Russ.).
4. Paulov S.V. Mass-media v sisteme politicheskoj kommunikacii sovremennogo rossijskogo obshhestva // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Belgorod, 2008. Serija: Istorija. Politologija. №2 (42). URL: [S. Pavlov. Mass media in political communication system of a modern Russian society. Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Belgorod, 2008. Series: History. Political science. №2 (42). URL:]. (In Russ.).
5. Gudoshnikova O.E. Tekhnologii «novyh media» kak platforma grazhdanskoj aktivnosti // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. Penza, 2015. №1-1. S. 19-28. [O. Gudoshnikova. Technology of «new media» as a civic engagement platform // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. Penza, 2015. №1-1. P. 19-28]. (In Russ.).
6. Vartanova E.L. Novye media kak faktor modernizacii SMI // Informacionnoe obshhestvo.
M., 2008. №5-6. S. 37-39. [E. Vartanova. Novye media kak faktor modernizacii SMI // Information Society. Moscow, 2008. №5-6. P. 37-39]. (In Russ.).
7. Rogaleva O.S., Shkajderova T.V. Novye media: jevoljucija ponjatija (analiticheskij obzor) // Vestnik OmGU. Omsk, 2015. №1 (75). URL: [O. Rogaleva, T. Shkajderova. New media: evolution of concepts (analytical review) // Vestnik OmGU. Omsk, 2015. №1 (75). URL: article/n/novye-media-evolyutsiya-ponyatiya-analiticheskiy-obzor]. (In Russ.).
8. Karjakina K.A. Aktual’nye formy i modeli novyh media: ot ponimanija auditorii k sozdaniju kontenta // Mediaskop. M., 2010. №1. P. 6. [K. Karjakina. Actual forms and models of new media: from understanding the audience to content creation // Mediascope, 2010. №1. P. 6]. (In Russ.).
9. Stins O., Van Fuht D. Novye media // Vestnik OmGU. M., 2008. Serija 8: Literaturovedenie. Zhurnalistika. № 7. S. 98-106. [O. Stins, D. Van Fuht. New Media // Vestnik OmGU., 2008. Series 8: Literature. Journalism. №7. Pp. 98-106]. (In Russ.).
10. Grishin O.E. «Novye media» kak instrument politicheskoj kommunikacii: nekotorye aspekty realizacii // Sborniki konferencij NIC «Sociosfera». Praga, 2015. № 17. P. 143-145. [O. Grishin. «New
media» as a tool of political communication: some aspects of implementation // Proceedings of the conference «Sociosphere». Prague, 2015. № 17. P. 143-145]. (In Russ.).
11. Gigin V.F. Novye media kak faktor politiki: stereotipy i tendencii // Vestnik VEGU. Ufa, 2016. №3 (83). P. 132-139. [V. Gigin. New media as a factor in politics: patterns and trends // Vestnik VEGU Academy. Ufa, 2016. №3 (83). Pp. 132-139]. (In Russ.).
12. Kasukanova K.E. Novye media kak instrument vliyaniya na obshchestvennoe mnenie // Nauchnyj zhurnal. Ivanovo, 2016. №4 (5). P. 92-97. [K. Kasukanova. New media as a tool of influence on public opinion // Nauchnyj zhurnal. Ivanovo, 2016. №4 (5). P. 92-97]. (In Russ.).
13. Bogoyavlenskij A.E. Ponimanie media: vnutrennee szhatie civilizacii // Vestnik OmGU. Voronezh, 2016. №1. S. 84-87. [A. Bogoyavlenskij. Understanding Media: Internal compression of civilization // Vestnik OmGU., 2016. №1. P. 84-87]. (In Russ.).
14. Rushkoff D. Open source democracy: How online communication is changing offline politics. London, 2003.
15. Trippi J. The revolution will not be televised: Democracy, the Internet, and the overthrow of everything. New York, 2004.
16. Norris P. Preaching to the converted? Pluralism, participation and party Web sites, Party Politics. 2003. P. 21-45.
17. Margolis M., Resnick D. Politics as usual: the cyberspace revolution. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2000.
18. Anstead N. 2008. The Internet and Campaign Finance in the U.S. and the UK: An Institutional Comparison. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. P. 285-302.
19. Gibson R., Lusoli W., & Ward S. Online participation in the UK: Testing a contextualised model of Internet effects. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 2005. P. 561-583.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
SUVOROVA Alina Yuryevna, postgraduate student of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:
Abstract. this article investigates the impact of mass media on political processes, especially – the value of Internet-technologies and new media. The author gives the approaches of different researchers to the role of the media in the context of the concept of «mediocracy», to the definition of «new media» and to use of modern technologies in politics. The article notes, that there is the need to define the term «new media» and to identify the proper typological features of this phenomenon.
Keywords: new media, mediacracy, mediatization, political communication, Internet technology.
Text: PDF
For citation: Suvorova, A. Yu., the Role of new media in the context of the mediatization of political processes. – Communicology. Volume 5. No.1.Pp.69–78 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-1-69–78
1. Bodrunova S.S. Mediakratija: atlanticheskie podhody k opredeleniju termina // Mediafilosofija: granicy discipliny. SPb, 2008. P. 90-105. [S. Bodrunova. Mediacracy: Atlantic Approaches to the definition // Mediaphilosophy: discipline boundaries. St. Petersburg, 2008. P. 90-105]. (In Russ.).
2. Debray, R. 2000Introduction a la mediologie. Paris, PUF.
3. Kodanina A.L. Politika i zhurnalistika kak rodstvennye kommunikacionnye sfery // Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo. Nizhnij Novgorod, 2014. № 2 (2). S. 443-451. [Politics and journalism as related communicative spheres // Vestnik of Lobachevsky University of Nizhni Novgorod. 2014. № 2 (2). P. 443-451]. (In Russ.).
4. Paulov S.V. Mass-media v sisteme politicheskoj kommunikacii sovremennogo rossijskogo obshhestva // Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Belgorod, 2008. Serija: Istorija. Politologija. №2 (42). URL: [S. Pavlov. Mass media in political communication system of a modern Russian society. Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Belgorod, 2008. Series: History. Political science. №2 (42). URL:]. (In Russ.).
5. Gudoshnikova O.E. Tekhnologii «novyh media» kak platforma grazhdanskoj aktivnosti // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. Penza, 2015. №1-1. S. 19-28. [O. Gudoshnikova. Technology of «new media» as a civic engagement platform // Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. Penza, 2015. №1-1. P. 19-28]. (In Russ.).
6. Vartanova E.L. Novye media kak faktor modernizacii SMI // Informacionnoe obshhestvo.
M., 2008. №5-6. S. 37-39. [E. Vartanova. Novye media kak faktor modernizacii SMI // Information Society. Moscow, 2008. №5-6. P. 37-39]. (In Russ.).
7. Rogaleva O.S., Shkajderova T.V. Novye media: jevoljucija ponjatija (analiticheskij obzor) // Vestnik OmGU. Omsk, 2015. №1 (75). URL: [O. Rogaleva, T. Shkajderova. New media: evolution of concepts (analytical review) // Vestnik OmGU. Omsk, 2015. №1 (75). URL: article/n/novye-media-evolyutsiya-ponyatiya-analiticheskiy-obzor]. (In Russ.).
8. Karjakina K.A. Aktual’nye formy i modeli novyh media: ot ponimanija auditorii k sozdaniju kontenta // Mediaskop. M., 2010. №1. P. 6. [K. Karjakina. Actual forms and models of new media: from understanding the audience to content creation // Mediascope, 2010. №1. P. 6]. (In Russ.).
9. Stins O., Van Fuht D. Novye media // Vestnik OmGU. M., 2008. Serija 8: Literaturovedenie. Zhurnalistika. № 7. S. 98-106. [O. Stins, D. Van Fuht. New Media // Vestnik OmGU., 2008. Series 8: Literature. Journalism. №7. Pp. 98-106]. (In Russ.).
10. Grishin O.E. «Novye media» kak instrument politicheskoj kommunikacii: nekotorye aspekty realizacii // Sborniki konferencij NIC «Sociosfera». Praga, 2015. № 17. P. 143-145. [O. Grishin. «New
media» as a tool of political communication: some aspects of implementation // Proceedings of the conference «Sociosphere». Prague, 2015. № 17. P. 143-145]. (In Russ.).
11. Gigin V.F. Novye media kak faktor politiki: stereotipy i tendencii // Vestnik VEGU. Ufa, 2016. №3 (83). P. 132-139. [V. Gigin. New media as a factor in politics: patterns and trends // Vestnik VEGU Academy. Ufa, 2016. №3 (83). Pp. 132-139]. (In Russ.).
12. Kasukanova K.E. Novye media kak instrument vliyaniya na obshchestvennoe mnenie // Nauchnyj zhurnal. Ivanovo, 2016. №4 (5). P. 92-97. [K. Kasukanova. New media as a tool of influence on public opinion // Nauchnyj zhurnal. Ivanovo, 2016. №4 (5). P. 92-97]. (In Russ.).
13. Bogoyavlenskij A.E. Ponimanie media: vnutrennee szhatie civilizacii // Vestnik OmGU. Voronezh, 2016. №1. S. 84-87. [A. Bogoyavlenskij. Understanding Media: Internal compression of civilization // Vestnik OmGU., 2016. №1. P. 84-87]. (In Russ.).
14. Rushkoff D. Open source democracy: How online communication is changing offline politics. London, 2003.
15. Trippi J. The revolution will not be televised: Democracy, the Internet, and the overthrow of everything. New York, 2004.
16. Norris P. Preaching to the converted? Pluralism, participation and party Web sites, Party Politics. 2003. P. 21-45.
17. Margolis M., Resnick D. Politics as usual: the cyberspace revolution. Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Publications, 2000.
18. Anstead N. 2008. The Internet and Campaign Finance in the U.S. and the UK: An Institutional Comparison. Journal of Information Technology & Politics. P. 285-302.
19. Gibson R., Lusoli W., & Ward S. Online participation in the UK: Testing a contextualised model of Internet effects. British Journal of Politics and International Relations. 2005. P. 561-583.