Trends and challenges of ethnopolitical media communications

Author: Julieta S. Dzhanteeva

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.3
Institute for Humanities Research case of the Government of KChR. Cherkessk, Russian Federation.

Abstract. The article examines new trends and challenges of the information society affecting the development of ethnopolitical media communications and the effectiveness of implementation of the state policy in the sphere of interethnic relations. For example, the North Caucasus, the author identifies communication problems and directions of use of media communications of ethnic policy actors.

Keywords: political communications, ethnopolicy, media communications, North Caucasus, media, communication problems.

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For citation: Dzhanteeva Julieta S. Trends and challenges of ethnopolitical media communications. Communicology. Vol. 5. No. 3. 2017. P. 90-101 DOI 10.21453/2311- 3065-2017-5-3-90-101

Inf. about authors: Julieta S. Dzhanteeva, Cand. Sci (Hist.), associate professor, manager of department of socio-political researches Karachay-Cherkess institute of humanitarian researches in case of the Government of KChR. 369000, KChR, Cherkessk, Gorky St., 1 «A».

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