Author: Tarasov K.A.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
TARASOV Kirill Anatol ́evich, Doctor of Culturology, Professor at the Department of Sociology,
Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract. The communicational attraction of violence is considered as a commercially conditioned means of capturing the attention of the mass cinema audience. Some definitions of screen violence are analyzed. Adduced is empirical evidence for the dysfunctional effects of its impact on the rising generation. Touched upon are the related problems of media education.
Keywords: cinema, the public, mass communication, picture of the world, art, commerce,
violence attraction, impact effect, social regulation, media education.
Text: PDF
For citation: Tarasov K.A. Violence attraction in cinema communication: definition, impact
effect and its regulation. Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 168-180 DOI 10.21453/2311–
1. Sharkov F.I. Genesis sotsiologicheskikh shkol i teoryi kommunikatsii// Kommunikologiya. 2015.
Tom 3. No 4. S. 15. [Genesis of sociological schools and theories of communication// Communicology. 2015. Tom 3. No 4. S. 15]. (In Russ.).
2. Lebedev N.A. Vnimanie: kinematograf! M.: Progress, 1974. 438 s. [Lebedev N.A. (1974)
Attention: The cinema! Moscow. 438 p.]. (In Russ.).
3. Zhabskiy M.I . Sotsiokulturnaya drama kinematografa. Analiticheskaya letopis (1969–2005
gg.). M., 2009. S. 69. [Zhabskiy M.I. (2009) Sociocultural Drama of The Cinema. Analytical Annals
(1969–2005). Moscow. P. 69]. (In Russ.).
4. Kravchenko S.A. Social Violence // S.A. Kravchenko. Sociologicheskij tolkovyj anglo-russkij
slovar’. M.: MGIMO-Universitet, 2012. S. 645. [Kravchenko S.A. Sociological English-Russian
dictionary. Moscow. 2012].
5. Gerbner, G., and Gross, L. Living with television: The violence profile // Journal of
Communication. 1976. Vol. 26, No 2. Р. 185.
6. Signorielli, N., Gross, L., and Morgan, M. Violence in television programs: Ten years later //
Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Eighties / D. Pearl,
L. Bouthilet, and J. Lazar, (eds.). Rockville, MD: The National Institute of Mental Health, 1982. Vol.
II (technical reports). Р. 163.
7. Signorielli, N., Gerbner, G., and Morgan, M. Violence on television: The Cultural Indicators
project // Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 1995. Vol. 39, No 2. Р. 280.
8. Gunter, B., and Furnham, A. Perceptions of television violence: Effects of programme genre
and type of violence on viewers' judgment of violent portrayals // British Journal of Social Psychology. 1984. Vol. 23, No 2. Р. 155–156.
9. Signorielli, N., Gross, L., and Morgan, M. Violence in television programs: Ten years later //
Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Ei-ghties / D. Pearl, L. Bouthilet, and J. Lazar, (eds.). Rockville, MD: The National Institute of Mental Health, 1982. Vol. II (technical reports). Р. 163.
10. Lexikon der Psychologie / Herausgegeben von W. Arnold, H.J. Eysenck, R. Meili. Band 2.
Graphologiebis Prompting. Freiburg, 1973. S. 162.
11. Schepanskyi J. Elementarnyie ponyantiya soziologyi. M.: Progress, 1969. S. 85. [Szczepański
J. (1969) Basic Conceptions of Sociology. Moscow. P. 85]. (In Russ.).
12. von Feilitzen, С. Influences of Mediated Violence // Children and Youth in the Digital Media
Culture. Yearbook 2010. From a Nordic Horizon / U. Carllson, (ed). Nordicom University of Göteborg. Р. 175, 176.
13. Gerbner, G., and Gross, L. Living with television: The Violence Profile // Journal of
Communication. 1976. No 2, P. 173–177.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
TARASOV Kirill Anatol ́evich, Doctor of Culturology, Professor at the Department of Sociology,
Moscow State Institute of International Relations. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract. The communicational attraction of violence is considered as a commercially conditioned means of capturing the attention of the mass cinema audience. Some definitions of screen violence are analyzed. Adduced is empirical evidence for the dysfunctional effects of its impact on the rising generation. Touched upon are the related problems of media education.
Keywords: cinema, the public, mass communication, picture of the world, art, commerce,
violence attraction, impact effect, social regulation, media education.
Text: PDF
For citation: Tarasov K.A. Violence attraction in cinema communication: definition, impact
effect and its regulation. Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 168-180 DOI 10.21453/2311–
1. Sharkov F.I. Genesis sotsiologicheskikh shkol i teoryi kommunikatsii// Kommunikologiya. 2015.
Tom 3. No 4. S. 15. [Genesis of sociological schools and theories of communication// Communicology. 2015. Tom 3. No 4. S. 15]. (In Russ.).
2. Lebedev N.A. Vnimanie: kinematograf! M.: Progress, 1974. 438 s. [Lebedev N.A. (1974)
Attention: The cinema! Moscow. 438 p.]. (In Russ.).
3. Zhabskiy M.I . Sotsiokulturnaya drama kinematografa. Analiticheskaya letopis (1969–2005
gg.). M., 2009. S. 69. [Zhabskiy M.I. (2009) Sociocultural Drama of The Cinema. Analytical Annals
(1969–2005). Moscow. P. 69]. (In Russ.).
4. Kravchenko S.A. Social Violence // S.A. Kravchenko. Sociologicheskij tolkovyj anglo-russkij
slovar’. M.: MGIMO-Universitet, 2012. S. 645. [Kravchenko S.A. Sociological English-Russian
dictionary. Moscow. 2012].
5. Gerbner, G., and Gross, L. Living with television: The violence profile // Journal of
Communication. 1976. Vol. 26, No 2. Р. 185.
6. Signorielli, N., Gross, L., and Morgan, M. Violence in television programs: Ten years later //
Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Eighties / D. Pearl,
L. Bouthilet, and J. Lazar, (eds.). Rockville, MD: The National Institute of Mental Health, 1982. Vol.
II (technical reports). Р. 163.
7. Signorielli, N., Gerbner, G., and Morgan, M. Violence on television: The Cultural Indicators
project // Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 1995. Vol. 39, No 2. Р. 280.
8. Gunter, B., and Furnham, A. Perceptions of television violence: Effects of programme genre
and type of violence on viewers' judgment of violent portrayals // British Journal of Social Psychology. 1984. Vol. 23, No 2. Р. 155–156.
9. Signorielli, N., Gross, L., and Morgan, M. Violence in television programs: Ten years later //
Television and Behavior: Ten Years of Scientific Progress and Implications for the Ei-ghties / D. Pearl, L. Bouthilet, and J. Lazar, (eds.). Rockville, MD: The National Institute of Mental Health, 1982. Vol. II (technical reports). Р. 163.
10. Lexikon der Psychologie / Herausgegeben von W. Arnold, H.J. Eysenck, R. Meili. Band 2.
Graphologiebis Prompting. Freiburg, 1973. S. 162.
11. Schepanskyi J. Elementarnyie ponyantiya soziologyi. M.: Progress, 1969. S. 85. [Szczepański
J. (1969) Basic Conceptions of Sociology. Moscow. P. 85]. (In Russ.).
12. von Feilitzen, С. Influences of Mediated Violence // Children and Youth in the Digital Media
Culture. Yearbook 2010. From a Nordic Horizon / U. Carllson, (ed). Nordicom University of Göteborg. Р. 175, 176.
13. Gerbner, G., and Gross, L. Living with television: The Violence Profile // Journal of
Communication. 1976. No 2, P. 173–177.