Branding in the field of postmodernism

Author: Rozhkov I. Ya., Bahaeva T.L.

Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2
ROZHKOV Igor Yakovlevich, Doctor of Economics, Public Relations department professor
of Moscow State Institute (University) of International Relations of the Russian Federation,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Moscow. Russian Federation

BAHAEVA Tatyana Leonidovna, PhD in sociology, post doctoral researcher Sociological
Faculty Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University. Kyiv. Ukraine.

Abstract: The peculiarities of the human activity in the modern society, titled so by postmodernism,
are characterized by its endless transformations in time and space, by incertitude and riskogenics of actions, by the lack of time resources; and so, there is a need to reconsider the traditional marketing approach to the communications of branding. Being revised from the perspective of the social system, branding achieves the potential of new insight and perspective management innovations.
Many people participate in the processes of branding within this system; and they have their own intentions and goals that often do not correspond to desires of the managers of the companies that promote the brands. The internal and external impacts on the branding system result in changes that can cause not only the emerging chaos but also self-development of branding system. The experience and intuition of the managing subject typically saves the branding system from becoming rigid, makes to accept and implement the creative and management solutions that seem to be absurd at first but then turn out to be productive. This type of ideas can be driven in particular by the information wars practice.

Keywords: postmodernism; brand; branding; social system of branding; marketing; self-development; soft power; linear/nonlinear management.

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For citation: Rozhkov I.Ya, Bahaeva T.L. Branding in the field of postmodernism. Communicology.
Volume 5. No. 2. Pp. 181-189 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2 181-189

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