Communicative migration code: analysis of conflict

Author: Kachalkov A.Yu.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.2

KACHALKOV Aleksandr Yuryevich, assistant, Bryansk State University named after academician
I.G. Petrovsky. Bryansk, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Abstract:The global nature of migration is indicated by growing contentious, migrantophobia and ethnophobia. It is expressed by collisions of different values, religion, norms of behavior and communicative culture of migrants and the host society. Conflict interaction of migrants with the local population is predetermined by critical discourse, ambiguous assessment and mismatch tolerance values with the current codification of interaction of migrants and the local community. Intercultural communication correlates with the appearance of real competition and conflicts of social groups of the host society. Communicative codification of migration practices, which developed in recent years in the conditions of the regulatory role of the state, needs to discourse analysis, characteristic of civil society. Assessment of the Russian social reality in the context of critical discourse, typical of everyday life, with characteristic communicative interaction of the subjects of the media-space orients the critical discourse on subjects, which is identified by various communicative cultures. The analysis of critical discourse technology contributes to the formation of social cohesion.

Keywords: ethnophobia, migrantophobia, tolerance, discourse analysis, the codification
of communicative interaction, media space.

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For citation: Kachalkov A.Yu. Communicative migration code: analysis of conflict.
Communicology. Volume 5. No 2. Pp. 144-152 DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2017-5-2-144-152

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