Author: Popov Y.N., Grishinat.V.
Communicology. 2017. Vol.5. No.1
POPOV Yuri Nikolaevich, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor-consultant of the Department of economy and management, Educational Institution of Trade Unions of higher education “Academy of labor and social relations”. Moscow, Russian Federation.
GRISHINA Tatiana Vasilievna, Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of economic theory Department, Educational Institution of Trade Unions of higher education “Academy of labor and social relations”. Moscow, Russian Federation.
Abstract. The article is devoted to difficult process of implementation of communication
systems in modern practice of social management. On the one hand, thanks to scientific
and technical progress, today social management has many common traits: everywhere
the Internet and remote technologies are used, communication systems are transferred
to electronic and numerical technologies. An impression can be made that “push-button”
management becomes much simpler and also easier. However it is not so. The modern
worker is not any more “the economic person” about whom A. Smith spoke in his time.
In communication with managers he requires to be dealt with proper respect, needs
considerably bigger amount of information and an opportunity to participate in a management
system. Authors of article emphasize that communication systems become more diverse
because they have to consider civilization features of social cultural nature which developed
in the country throughout many centuries. The article reveals as globalism is used for planting
communication systems in different parts of the modern world. Such communication systems
were used in Indonesia, Greece, and in Ukraine which, finally, appeared under external
management. Special attention in article is paid to social-cultural factors which can be
effectively used in communication systems of social management. It is noticed that such
civilization features of Russia as unity of the nation, patriotism, the national idea and other
traditional moral values have the direct relation to development of the new concept of social
and economic development of Russia, i.e. model which is an alternative to monetarism.
Keywords: social economy, communicology, social management, management models,
types of civilizations, monetarism, nation, national idea
Text: PDF
For citation: Popov Y. N., Grishina T. V. Socio-cultural communication as a factor in
global socio-economic governance. – Communicology. Volume 5. No. 1. P.19-30 DOI
Current issue (vol.9 №1, 2021)
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