International Academy of Communication has appeared at No. 2 in the list of accrediting organizations on
Public professional accreditation of education programs means recognition of the graduates’ attainment level in specific academic program as complying with requirements of professional standards and labor market demands to specialists and employees of the corresponding profile, in accordance with Russian Federation law On Education (Federal Law №273-FZ p.3, art.96).
Accreditation results are:
  • Considered in the state accreditation (Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation» №273-FZ р.8, art.96);
  • Used by employers, their associations or their authorized agencies when forming their rankings accredited educational programs and educational establishments (Federal Law «On Education in the Russian Federation» №273-FZ р.5 art.96);
  • Accounted in apportionment procedures for admission to study at the expense of budgetary allocations, q.v. the order of Ministry of Education and Science №560, 15.07.2013, ed. 12.23.2014 «On approval of the competition for the distribution of admission quotas in professions, specialties and areas of training for training in state-accredited educational programs of vocational and higher education at the expense of federal budget allocations».
  • Used in inter-university and international cooperation, as well as to enhance the image of the organization, carrying out educational activities.
International Academy of Communication carries out Professional Public Accreditation of higher educational programs implemented by organizations engaged in educational activities in the fields of Journalism, Political Science, Political Sociology, Sociology of Mass Communications, Public Relations etc.

Within the Association – International Academy of Communication – has been established a Commission on Professional Public Accreditation, the main purpose of which are analysis and independent assessment of the quality of education in the field of Communication. The members of this Commission are carrying out an expert assessment of educational services and offer their own training programs in the field of management in education.

The Academy’s Accreditation Commission aims to identify and disseminate the most effective educational programs in the following areas:
  • Economics and Management
  • Sociology and Social Work
  • Jurisprudence
  • Political Science and Regional Studies
  • Mass Media, Library Science and Publishing
  • Service and Tourism
  • Linguistics and Literature
  • Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
  • Art studies
  • Cultural studies