Publication Ethics Policies of the Communicology International Scientific Journal

Publication Ethics Policies of the Journal

To avoid a loss of readers’ confidence, the journal tends to follow certain ethical stand-ards and rules. The journal requires the manuscripts authors’ confirmation that their articles and the results of scientific research are original and have not been previously published elsewhere. The journal also requires the confirmation that the submitted for the publication articles have been approved by the relevant ethics committees
The journal has the open access publication policies.
The authors of the published articles are to specify the sources of funding for research.
The authors of the published articles are to indicate the possible presence of conflicts of interest of any kind.
The Editorial Board pursues the policy of open access to peer-reviewed electronic scien-tific publications, which helps to improve the scientific information exchange and increase the citation rate of works, what results in high effectiveness of the scientific activity of the published authors.
The access to the issues of the journal is opened, starting with the first issue, freely and free of charge; for immediate access may also be available the content of the issue, abstracts and keywords to articles, information of the author (in Russian and English languages).
The full access to articles is also available through the online service of the national in-formation analytical system of Russian Science Citation Index (RISC):

I. Publication Ethics
The journal adheres to the standards of editorial ethics and endeavors to prevent its violation.
The Editorial Board does not cooperate with the authors who ever committed plagiarism in the papers submitted to the journal or other publications. The Editorial Board uses every opportunity to detect plagiarism in the works available on the Internet. The journal publishes the works of authors of any citizenship and nationality, who are investigating the range of problems defined by the editorial policy. The Editorial Board undertakes to reject the articles, containing calls to terrorism, xenophobia, insulting other authors or people. The reviewing of each article of the journal presupposes at least two experts from among the members of the Editorial Board, or the external experts, invited by the Editorial Board.

II. Guarantees
By submitting their works for publication in the journal the authors guarantee that the articles are original (were not previously published in other journals in their current or similar form of content), are not submitted for publication in other journals, and all potential conflicts of interest, related to copyright and publication of these articles, are settled. The authors confirm, that their publication does not violate any existing copyright, and guarantee guarantees to indemnify the publisher for losses in case of such violations revealed. For the convenience of dissemination and implementation of policies of use of the materials, the authors convey to the publisher the exclusive ownership of the manuscript, unless otherwise specified.

III. Permission to Use the Content
Before submitting the article to the Editorial Board, the authors must obtain permissions to use any content of other authors. Violation of this condition may lead to lengthy delays in publication.
The authors should be prepared to submit written permission to use such content on the demand of Editorial Board.
The articles can not be published without the authors having he following rights to use the borrowed material:
1. Non-exclusive right of reproduction in the article.
2. Right to use the printed and electronic version of the materials.
3. Perpetual right to use the materials (assumes no time limit on the reuse of the material, such as an annual license).
The tables, images or text fragments (of more than 400 words) from other sources may be reproduced, if the authors:
1. Received a printed or electronic written permission of usage of all the owners of the rights to texts, pictures, graphics, or other materials that the author used in his manuscript, as well as any minor adaptation of the materials created by others.
2. Reported to the owner of the rights to the material in case of significant changes of the material used in the manuscript.
3. Received written permission to use the material.
4. Specified the data source in the description of the drawings and replicated it in the list of references.
5. In case of using any content, freely available on the Internet, previously specified information about the owners of the rights, and received their permission to reprint the material.
According to the editorial policy of the journal it is unacceptable:
1.  Verbatim copying of a large amount of another author's work without stating the authorship, the reference and the quotation marks.
2. Incorrect paraphrasing the work of another person , in which has been changed more than one sentence within a paragraph or section of text or proposals were located in a different order without proper attribution. Significant incorrect paraphrasing without attribution equates to verbatim copying .
3. Using the work of another person without attribution , for example, figures, tables or paragraph without acknowledgment , reference to the source or use of quotation marks. Authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder to use the elements of his works.

IV. Self-plagiarism
The Authors should indicate that their work is published for the first time. If the parts of the manuscript have been previously published in another article, the authors are obliged to reference the earlier work, indicate a significant difference between the new work and the previous one, and at the same time, to identify its connection with the findings and conclusions of the previous work. Verbatim copying of the works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable, they can only be used as a basis for the new conclusions.
 The Editorial Board recommends authors to reference the materials of their earlier works (considering the researched problem of the submitted article), including the proceedings of conferences, seminars, presentations, etc.

V. Settlement of Disputes Related to Plagiarism
The Editorial Board adheres to the standards of academic ethics, protects authors' reputations and takes seriously all the cases of plagiarism. Plagiarism may affect the career of the researcher. In such situations a system of procedures, which enables to respond to possible charges of plagiarism, is used. To ensure objectivity, the Editorial Board thoroughly examines each case and considers the arguments of all parties concerned. Before taking further actions, the Editorial Board seeks for the most accurate information from the authors of the controversial publication or the copyright holders and examines it. The decision of the Editorial Board is impartial, unbiased and is not influenced by the third parties.
The Editorial Board reserve the right not to respond to accusations of plagiarism, if the prosecutor provides false personal information (for example, takes a fictitious name), or acts in an unethical or threatening manner. The Editorial Board is not obliged to discuss the cases of alleged plagiarism with persons, who have no direct relation to it.

VI. Responsible Research Publication
The research reported in the publication should be carried out in accordance with ethical standards, liability and correspond to all necessary legal norms;
The researchers should submit their results clearly, honestly, without fabrication, falsification, forgery or improper data manipulation;
The researchers should describe their methods clearly and unambiguously so that their findings could be confirmed by others;
The researchers should adhere to the requirements that the submitted work is original, does not contain any plagiarism and has not been published elsewhere;
The authors should bear the collective responsibility for the submitted and published work;
The authorship of scientific publications should accurately reflect the personal contribution of each author to the work and its submission for the publication;
The sources of funding for research and any relevant conflicts of interest should be reflected in the article.

VII. Basic Ethical Standards for the Preparation and Publishing of Articles
Do not submit an article to several journals simultaneously, wait a response from the first journal, and then submit to the second (in case of an article being rejected by the first). International ethical standards prohibit multiple simultaneous submission;
When citing publications, reference the used work with "[]" and surround the quoted text with quotation marks, in order not to be accused of plagiarism;
Use and describe in the conclusions of research the experiments, that do not allow to accuse you of breach of scientific ethics;
Study the ethical requirements of the journal and follow them.

VIII. The Duties of Authors
Conformity. The article is submitted in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Editorial Board of the journal in electronic form in Russian or English. The article should contain original research results and reflect the connection with previous research, carried out by the author and other scientists. The latter should be presented both in the main text and in the form of references. In cases of using the materials of other authors’ works, the article should contain all appropriate references. Fraud and unethical behavior are unacceptable.
Selection of material. The author may be asked to provide all the primary sources and materials relevant to the writing of the published article. The author should keep these materials for some time before and after the publication.
Originality and plagiarism. The author should guarantee that the work, submitted for the editorial expertise, is completely original. If the author used works or thoughts of other scientists in his article, it should be properly formatted. Plagiarism in any form, as well as unethical behavior, is unacceptable.
Repeated, excessive, parallel publication. The author must confirm that the article is published for the first time, or request a repeated publication.
The article is reprinted on the initiative of the Editorial Board only with the consent of its author, Editor and owner of the intellectual property rights to the article.
In case of a repeated publication of the article the publisher notifies about it.
Acknowledgment of the source. The author should reference the publications, influenced on the content of his article.
Information obtained informally, for example, in a private discussion or correspondence, can not be presented in the article without the written permission from the source. The information, obtained from confidential activities, in particular, reviewing manuscripts or grant applications, can not be used in the article without the written permission of the author.
Authorship and co-authorship of the work. The submission of a co-authored paper is possible if all the persons listed as co-authors, made a significant contribution to the development of the concept, planning, implementation or interpretation of the described research.
If a person’s contribution to the research is not so essential to include this person in the list of the co-authors, this person should be officially thanked in the article.
The corresponding author must provide the reading and approval of the final text by all the co-authors, as well as receive their agreement to submit the article for publication.
Exposure and conflict of interest. In case of conflict of interest, including situations of a potential conflict, the author or co-authors should inform the publisher as soon as possible.
Fundamental errors in the published paper. In case of finding fundamental errors or inaccuracies in the published work, the author’s duty is to immediately notify and cooperate with the Chief Editor of the journal to publish a disproof or the corrected article. If the Editor learns from a third party that the published work contains a significant error, the author’s duty is to immediately publish a disclaimer and present to the Editor the proofs that the published article is correct, or to correct the article.
Identification of plagiarism. The author should be aware that the journal is committed to assist the scientific community in all aspects of implementation of the publication ethics policies, especially in cases of suspicion of a duplication of an article or plagiarism.

IX. Statement of the Publication Ethics and Malpractice
The Editorial Board makes every effort to comply with ethical norms, accepted by the international scientific community, and to prevent any violations of these rules. This policy is a prerequisite for the effective participation of the journal in the development of the integral system of knowledge. This activity of the Editorial Board is based , in particular, on the recommendation of the Committee on Publication Ethics , and in particular , the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit, published by Elsevier, as well as valuable experience in reputable international journals and publishers.
The submission of an article for consideration implies that it contains the authors’ new non-trivial scientific results that have never been published.
Every paper is reviewed by at least two experts, who have all the opportunity to freely express motivated critical remarks on the level and clarity of the presented material, its correspondence with the profile of the journal, novelty and reliability of the results. The reviewers’ recommendations are the basis for a final decision on the publication of the article.
The article, if being accepted for publication, is placed in free access. If there are any conflicts of interest of any kind (financial, academic, personal, etc.), the participants of the review process should notify the Editorial Board.
Any questionable issue related to possible plagiarism or fraudulent research, receives extremely serious attention of the Editorial Board, as well as the authorship disputes and reasonable subdivision of the results into several small papers. Confirmed plagiarism or fraudulent research entail the unconditional rejection of the article.