Author: Polyanina A.K., Andreeva Yu.V.
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Polyanina Alla Kerimovna, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), associate professor of the department of management and public administration of the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorodю
Andreeva Yulia Valentinovna, Dr. Sc. (Ped.), professor of the department of television production and digital communications, Higher School of Journalism and Media Communication, Kazan Federal University.
Abstract. Recognition at the legislative level of the need to conduct comprehensive studies of the information space of modern children updates the task of analyzing new risks and threats, and the development of integrative intersectoral approaches, the attempt of which is carried out by the authors of the article.
The article represents a new concept of information noise as a risk factor in the information space of the child. In terms of the impact of digital culture on all aspects of social life the authors consider the main approaches to solving the problem of information pollution, as well as related to the informatization and mediatization of life concepts, the proposed ways of adaptation of children to a new space of adulthood, ranging from psychohygenic approaches to state-legal regulation. The correlation of the phenomenon of information noise with already established scientific categories and terms is considered in detail, the distinctive features of information noise as a factor of the space of development of the child, his mental and social well-being are indicated. The authors proceed from the correlation between the level of information noise, understood in close connection with the phenomenon of hyperstimulation of mental resources of children, and the occurrence of information stress (stress accumulation). Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the understanding of information noise, already established in science, and used in regulations terms, the development of the presented concept, the authors determine the establishment of patterns of formation of conditions, trends and trajectories of the adaptation strategies of the child’s informational behavior, ways of developing resistance to the influence of information noise, identifying the dependence of the child’s social portrait and risk.
Keywords: information noise, information hygiene, mediatization, information security of children, information overload, communications, information ecology, information pollution
Text: PDF
For citation: Polyanina A.K., Andreeva Yu.V. Information Noise in Infant Development: conceptual approach. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 109–121. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-109-121.
Andreev V.I., Andreeva Yu.V. (2015). Acmeoqualitative concept of development and self-development of multidimensional thinking and wisdom. Education and self-development. No. 2
(44). P. 10-15 (In Rus.).
Belousova M.V., Karpov A.M., Utkuzova M.A. (2014). The impact of gadgets on the development of communication, socialization and speech in children of early and preschool age. Practical medicine. No. 9 (85). P. 108-112 (In Rus.).
Bolshakov A.M., Krutko V.N., Kutepov E.N., Mamikonova O.A., Potemkina N.S., Rozenblit S.I., Chankov S.V. (2016). Information loads as a new relevant section of the hygiene of children and adolescents. Hygiene and Sanitation. No. 95 (2). P. 172-177 (In Rus.).
Bukhtiyarov I.V., Denisov E.I., Eremin A.L. (2014). Basics of informational hygiene: concepts and problems of innovation. Hygiene and sanitation. P. 5-9 (In Rus.).
Denisov E.I. (2019). Robots, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality: ethical, legal and hygienic problems. Hygiene and sanitation. No. 98 (1). P. 5-10 (In Rus.).
Elyakov A.D. (2005). Information overload of people. Sociological studies. No.5. P. 114-121 (In Rus.).
Galkin V.P. (2005). Some aspects of the existence of natural information systems in the conditions of information noise. Problems of scientific and extra-scientific knowledge. No. 5. P. 59–67 (In Rus.).
Gordon P. (2018). Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric approach and framework development. Business Research.
Kaku M. (2014). The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind.
Kiselev A.G. (2011). Theory and practice of mass media. Preparation and creation of a media text: a textbook for universities (2011) / A.G. Kiselev. SPb .: Peter (In Rus.).
Klingberg Torkel. (2010). Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory.
Kobrin N.V. (2014). The notion of media average in the communicative social aspect. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. No. 7 (37). P. 86-88 (In Rus.).
Kuznetsova A.V. (2012). Problems of information and entropy in the media text: author. dis. Cand. filol. sciences. Rostov-on-Don (In Rus.).
Livingstone S. (2008). On the mediation of everything. Journal of communication. 59 (1). P. 1-18. Mironov D.F. (2015) Informational noise and educational process. Herald of St. St. Petersburg.
State Univ. of Culture and Arts. No. 4. P. 24-30 (In Rus.).
Myasoedov S.P. (2005). Cross-cultural shock and common communication errors // Personnel Management. No.3. P. 55-59 (In Rus.).
Poludina V.P. (2011). Information noise in the Internet ka problem of communication consumption. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Vol. XIV. No. 5 (58). P. 386–394.
Polyanin A.K. (2015). The concept of information products as a key category of the system of legal support of children’s information security. Lex Russica. Vol. 108. No. 11. P. 75-82 (In Rus.).
Postman N. (1993). Technopoly: the Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York: Vintage Books. Shannon C. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
Simmel G. (1903). Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben.
Smirnov F.P. (2007). Informational health of society as an object of state policy: dis. cand.soc. sc. St. Petersburg (In Rus.).
Ursul A.D. (2009). Information noise. Moscow: Academic Project (In Rus.). Weber M. (1925). Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
Yavdolyuk N.V. (2011). Informational noise. Advisor. No. 6. P. 1 (In Rus.).
Communicology. 2019. Vol.7. No.2
Polyanina Alla Kerimovna, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), associate professor of the department of management and public administration of the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorodю
Andreeva Yulia Valentinovna, Dr. Sc. (Ped.), professor of the department of television production and digital communications, Higher School of Journalism and Media Communication, Kazan Federal University.
Abstract. Recognition at the legislative level of the need to conduct comprehensive studies of the information space of modern children updates the task of analyzing new risks and threats, and the development of integrative intersectoral approaches, the attempt of which is carried out by the authors of the article.
The article represents a new concept of information noise as a risk factor in the information space of the child. In terms of the impact of digital culture on all aspects of social life the authors consider the main approaches to solving the problem of information pollution, as well as related to the informatization and mediatization of life concepts, the proposed ways of adaptation of children to a new space of adulthood, ranging from psychohygenic approaches to state-legal regulation. The correlation of the phenomenon of information noise with already established scientific categories and terms is considered in detail, the distinctive features of information noise as a factor of the space of development of the child, his mental and social well-being are indicated. The authors proceed from the correlation between the level of information noise, understood in close connection with the phenomenon of hyperstimulation of mental resources of children, and the occurrence of information stress (stress accumulation). Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the understanding of information noise, already established in science, and used in regulations terms, the development of the presented concept, the authors determine the establishment of patterns of formation of conditions, trends and trajectories of the adaptation strategies of the child’s informational behavior, ways of developing resistance to the influence of information noise, identifying the dependence of the child’s social portrait and risk.
Keywords: information noise, information hygiene, mediatization, information security of children, information overload, communications, information ecology, information pollution
Text: PDF
For citation: Polyanina A.K., Andreeva Yu.V. Information Noise in Infant Development: conceptual approach. Communicology (Russia). 2019. Vol. 7. No.2. Р. 109–121. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2019-7-2-109-121.
Andreev V.I., Andreeva Yu.V. (2015). Acmeoqualitative concept of development and self-development of multidimensional thinking and wisdom. Education and self-development. No. 2
(44). P. 10-15 (In Rus.).
Belousova M.V., Karpov A.M., Utkuzova M.A. (2014). The impact of gadgets on the development of communication, socialization and speech in children of early and preschool age. Practical medicine. No. 9 (85). P. 108-112 (In Rus.).
Bolshakov A.M., Krutko V.N., Kutepov E.N., Mamikonova O.A., Potemkina N.S., Rozenblit S.I., Chankov S.V. (2016). Information loads as a new relevant section of the hygiene of children and adolescents. Hygiene and Sanitation. No. 95 (2). P. 172-177 (In Rus.).
Bukhtiyarov I.V., Denisov E.I., Eremin A.L. (2014). Basics of informational hygiene: concepts and problems of innovation. Hygiene and sanitation. P. 5-9 (In Rus.).
Denisov E.I. (2019). Robots, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality: ethical, legal and hygienic problems. Hygiene and sanitation. No. 98 (1). P. 5-10 (In Rus.).
Elyakov A.D. (2005). Information overload of people. Sociological studies. No.5. P. 114-121 (In Rus.).
Galkin V.P. (2005). Some aspects of the existence of natural information systems in the conditions of information noise. Problems of scientific and extra-scientific knowledge. No. 5. P. 59–67 (In Rus.).
Gordon P. (2018). Information overload in the information age: a review of the literature from business administration, business psychology, and related disciplines with a bibliometric approach and framework development. Business Research.
Kaku M. (2014). The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind.
Kiselev A.G. (2011). Theory and practice of mass media. Preparation and creation of a media text: a textbook for universities (2011) / A.G. Kiselev. SPb .: Peter (In Rus.).
Klingberg Torkel. (2010). Overflowing Brain: Information Overload and the Limits of Working Memory.
Kobrin N.V. (2014). The notion of media average in the communicative social aspect. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. No. 7 (37). P. 86-88 (In Rus.).
Kuznetsova A.V. (2012). Problems of information and entropy in the media text: author. dis. Cand. filol. sciences. Rostov-on-Don (In Rus.).
Livingstone S. (2008). On the mediation of everything. Journal of communication. 59 (1). P. 1-18. Mironov D.F. (2015) Informational noise and educational process. Herald of St. St. Petersburg.
State Univ. of Culture and Arts. No. 4. P. 24-30 (In Rus.).
Myasoedov S.P. (2005). Cross-cultural shock and common communication errors // Personnel Management. No.3. P. 55-59 (In Rus.).
Poludina V.P. (2011). Information noise in the Internet ka problem of communication consumption. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. Vol. XIV. No. 5 (58). P. 386–394.
Polyanin A.K. (2015). The concept of information products as a key category of the system of legal support of children’s information security. Lex Russica. Vol. 108. No. 11. P. 75-82 (In Rus.).
Postman N. (1993). Technopoly: the Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York: Vintage Books. Shannon C. (1948). A Mathematical Theory of Communication.
Simmel G. (1903). Die Großstädte und das Geistesleben.
Smirnov F.P. (2007). Informational health of society as an object of state policy: dis. cand.soc. sc. St. Petersburg (In Rus.).
Ursul A.D. (2009). Information noise. Moscow: Academic Project (In Rus.). Weber M. (1925). Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
Yavdolyuk N.V. (2011). Informational noise. Advisor. No. 6. P. 1 (In Rus.).