Russian-Chinese Tourism Cooperation: organizational and informational aspects

Author: U Wong, Polina I. Ananchenkova

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.6
Wong U, PhD, Beijing International Studies University;
Ananchenkova Polina Igorevna, Cand. Sc. (Soc., Econ.), professor at the Academy of Labour and Social Relations. Address: 119454, Russia, Moscow, Lobachevsky st., 90. E-mails: wong_u@bisu.;

Abstract. The Russian-Chinese cooperation has a long history. Tourism and recreation are no exception. The social and economic transformations, which have had an impact on the People’s Republic of China, are translated into the internal and outbound tourism development trends. Currently, it is the Chinese tourist flow that is decisive for the tourist market of many countries including the Russia.
The article discusses the key indicators of tourism development in the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation and highlights the organizational, intercultural and communication interaction issues, which adversely affect the mutual development of tourist projects. The authors represent statistical data reflecting the dynamics of tours to and from both countries, and analyze relevant tourist destinations and types of tourism. The emphasis is laid on organizational and informational aspects of Russian-Chinese tourism cooperation.

Keywords: China, Russia, tourism, cooperation, organizational and informational aspects

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For citation: Wong U, Ananchenkova P.I. Russian-Chinese Tourism Cooperation: organizational and informational aspects. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No 6. Р. 111–122. DOI 10.21453/2311-3065-2018-6-6-111-122.

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