Mass culture and mass information within the space of modern media

Author: Felix I. Sharkov, Vladimir A. Potapchuk

Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.3
Felix Izosimovich Sharkov, Dr. Sc. (Soc.), Professor, honored scientist of the Russian Federation, head of the Department of public relations and media policy of the Institute of public service and management, RANEPA;
Vladimir Adamovich Potapchuk, Cand. Sc. (Philos.), ass. professor, head of the Department of Educational Projects AGG, Vice-President, Address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 12. Business center “Moscow city”. E-mail:

Abstract. The rapid development of modern media, digital technologies and the Global Internet, the pervasive impact of the press, films, radio and television, the industrial-commercial type of production and distribution of standardized spiritual goods are decisive factors in the spread of mass culture. Active participants and creators of mass information flows are the media. Mass information is actualized in information flows due to its availability to the masses, form simplicity, convenient consumption and transparency. Modern media are the determining factor in the formation of mass culture and it can be safely assumed that their sociocultural role will only increase as humanity moves towards the information network society. The maximally individualized options of mass culture will provide people not only with a new “modern times model”, but also with reference standards of information perception.

Keywords: modern media, mass culture, mass information, mass consumption, information society, media space, communication, “seriality”, mass literature, soundtrack,  community, social networks, video blogs, “yellow” press

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For citation: Sharkov F. I., Potapchuk V. A. Mass culture and mass information within the space of modern media. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.3. P. 153-163. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-3-153-163.

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