Author: Andrey E. Zavyalov
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.2
Andrey Evgenievich Zavyalov, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), senior lecturer, Moscow City Teacher Training University. Address: 129226, Moscow, Selskohozyajstvenny pr., 4. E-mail:email:
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the representation of the problems of the state of national health of Russian citizens in the system of social communications on the basis of official statistics of the Russian Federal Service for Statistics.
In the first part of the article, a brief development of views on health problems from the point of view of the dynamics of society development is considered, the importance of national health from the point of view of social communications is revealed, as well as the need for the formation of health as a key factor in the development of the individual in the system of modern relations. In the second part of the article the tendencies of the development of diseases in the Russian Federation by types of diseases are given and their influence on the system of social communications in the key of the social and economic activity of the population is revealed. The third part of the article highlights the problems of HIV development among Russian citizens as the most dangerous disease for national health. The fourth part of the article analyzes the impact of health and social communications on natural population growth and the analysis of various factors on this indicator, highlighting such as changing the nature of social communications, the effectiveness of child health, the total fertility rate and migration processes. The fifth part draws conclusions on the effectiveness of existing mechanisms for improving the state of national health, including the ‘Mother’s Capital’ program, and also provides recommendations for equalizing the indicator of natural population growth and encouraging citizens to conscious and thrifty attitude to health, including using the Internet. Social networks and dating services that are popular in modern changes of social communications in this matter can become an effective way of attracting people’s attention to the existing problem in the sphere of national health.
Keywords: health, national health, morbidity of the population, prevalence of infections, natural population growth
Text: PDF
For citation: Zavyalov A.E. National Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation in the System of Social Communications. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.2. P. 40-50. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-2-40-50.
Antropova M.V., Borodkina G.V., Kuznetsova L.M. (2011). Problems of children’s health and their physical development. Healthcare of the Russian Federation. No. 5. P. 17 (In Rus).
Chicherin L.P., Nagaev R.Y. (2014). Perfection of the organization of medical and social assistance to adolescents. Problems of social hygiene, public health and history of medicine. No. 6. P. 40-44 (In Rus).
Demographic Yearbook of Russia (2017): Stat. comp. / ROSSTAT. Moscow (In Rus).
Fatkulin S.T., Grishchenko V.A. (2017). Prevention of illicit drug trafficking in the Chelyabinsk region. Law and order: history, theory, practice. No. 3 (14). P. 55-59 (In Rus).
Healthcare in Russia (2017): Stat. comp. / ROSSTAT. Moscow (In Rus).
Ivanova L.Y. (2015). Awareness of labor migrants from different regions on dangerous infectious diseases: HIV, STI, tuberculosis, hepatitis (on the materials of a survey of foreign workers in St. Petersburg). Social aspects of public health. No. 4 (In Rus).
Kaprin A.D., Aleksandrova L.M., Starinsky V.V. (2017). Formation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle in Russia as a basis for the prevention of non-communicable diseases. Research’n Practical Medicine Journal. No. 2 (In Rus).
Kozhevnikov A.A. (2016). Sociological approach to the analysis of the state of the system of compulsory medical insurance and the prospects for its development. Healthcare of the Russian Federation. No. 4. P. 183-186 (In Rus).
Kozlova O.A., Nifantova R.V., Makarova M.N. (2017). Methodological issues of assessing economic damage from the mortality of the population engaged in the economy of the region. The Economy of the Region. No. 2. P. 35-40 (In Rus).
Nikiforova O.A., Veselov Y.V., Tszyunkaya Ts. Nutrition and health in the history of society. Society: sociology, psychology, pedagogy. No. 11. P. 41-45 (In Rus).
Okulich A.I. (2017). The problem of discrimination of a person on the basis of positive status of HIV / AIDS. Bulletin of SUSU. Series: Law. No. 2. P. 93-97 (In Rus).
Onishchenko G.G., Ezhlova E.B., Melnikova A.A., Dementieva L.A., Demina Y.V., Yanovsky G.V., Fedotova N.A., Ivanov G.E. (2013). Sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the children of the Russian Federation. PF. No. 2. P. 10-18 (In Rus).
Pak T.I. (2017). Economic crises as a factor in the development of the demographic situation in Russian society. Humanitarian of the South of Russia. No. 6. P. 349-359 (In Rus).
Pirogova I.A. (2017). The prevalence of HIV infection in Russia. Vestnik SMUS74. No. 4 (19). P. 45-49 (In Rus).
Plotnikova Y.K., Ponotova L.V., Malov I.V. (2012). Modeling of sociological-epidemiological risk as a basis for effective management of territorial system of struggle and prevention of HIV / AIDS disease. Sib. med. journal (Irkutsk). №1. P. 83-87 (In Rus).
Tkhorikov B.A., Dakhova M.N. (2016). Prediction tools in the system of indicative management of social organizations. Scientific bulletins of Belgorod State University. Series: The Economy. Computer science. No. 16 (237). P. 38-48 (In Rus).
Tolmacheva V.V. (2015). To the question of the formation of valeological knowledge in Russia. Concept. No. 17. P. 31-35 (In Rus).
Viktorov A.S. (2017). Peculiarities of Modernization of Russian Society in the Context of Demographic Security and National Health. Health and Education in the 21st Century. No.7. P. 88-93 (In Rus).
Zavyalov A.E., Levashov V.I. (2016). Health of Russians. Challenges and problems. Interactive science. No.8. P. 49-55 (In Rus).
Communicology. 2018. Vol.6. No.2
Andrey Evgenievich Zavyalov, Cand. Sc. (Soc.), senior lecturer, Moscow City Teacher Training University. Address: 129226, Moscow, Selskohozyajstvenny pr., 4. E-mail:email:
Abstract. The paper is dedicated to the representation of the problems of the state of national health of Russian citizens in the system of social communications on the basis of official statistics of the Russian Federal Service for Statistics.
In the first part of the article, a brief development of views on health problems from the point of view of the dynamics of society development is considered, the importance of national health from the point of view of social communications is revealed, as well as the need for the formation of health as a key factor in the development of the individual in the system of modern relations. In the second part of the article the tendencies of the development of diseases in the Russian Federation by types of diseases are given and their influence on the system of social communications in the key of the social and economic activity of the population is revealed. The third part of the article highlights the problems of HIV development among Russian citizens as the most dangerous disease for national health. The fourth part of the article analyzes the impact of health and social communications on natural population growth and the analysis of various factors on this indicator, highlighting such as changing the nature of social communications, the effectiveness of child health, the total fertility rate and migration processes. The fifth part draws conclusions on the effectiveness of existing mechanisms for improving the state of national health, including the ‘Mother’s Capital’ program, and also provides recommendations for equalizing the indicator of natural population growth and encouraging citizens to conscious and thrifty attitude to health, including using the Internet. Social networks and dating services that are popular in modern changes of social communications in this matter can become an effective way of attracting people’s attention to the existing problem in the sphere of national health.
Keywords: health, national health, morbidity of the population, prevalence of infections, natural population growth
Text: PDF
For citation: Zavyalov A.E. National Health of Citizens of the Russian Federation in the System of Social Communications. Communicology (Russia). 2018. Vol. 6. No.2. P. 40-50. DOI 10.21453 / 2311-3065-2018-6-2-40-50.
Antropova M.V., Borodkina G.V., Kuznetsova L.M. (2011). Problems of children’s health and their physical development. Healthcare of the Russian Federation. No. 5. P. 17 (In Rus).
Chicherin L.P., Nagaev R.Y. (2014). Perfection of the organization of medical and social assistance to adolescents. Problems of social hygiene, public health and history of medicine. No. 6. P. 40-44 (In Rus).
Demographic Yearbook of Russia (2017): Stat. comp. / ROSSTAT. Moscow (In Rus).
Fatkulin S.T., Grishchenko V.A. (2017). Prevention of illicit drug trafficking in the Chelyabinsk region. Law and order: history, theory, practice. No. 3 (14). P. 55-59 (In Rus).
Healthcare in Russia (2017): Stat. comp. / ROSSTAT. Moscow (In Rus).
Ivanova L.Y. (2015). Awareness of labor migrants from different regions on dangerous infectious diseases: HIV, STI, tuberculosis, hepatitis (on the materials of a survey of foreign workers in St. Petersburg). Social aspects of public health. No. 4 (In Rus).
Kaprin A.D., Aleksandrova L.M., Starinsky V.V. (2017). Formation of the concept of a healthy lifestyle in Russia as a basis for the prevention of non-communicable diseases. Research’n Practical Medicine Journal. No. 2 (In Rus).
Kozhevnikov A.A. (2016). Sociological approach to the analysis of the state of the system of compulsory medical insurance and the prospects for its development. Healthcare of the Russian Federation. No. 4. P. 183-186 (In Rus).
Kozlova O.A., Nifantova R.V., Makarova M.N. (2017). Methodological issues of assessing economic damage from the mortality of the population engaged in the economy of the region. The Economy of the Region. No. 2. P. 35-40 (In Rus).
Nikiforova O.A., Veselov Y.V., Tszyunkaya Ts. Nutrition and health in the history of society. Society: sociology, psychology, pedagogy. No. 11. P. 41-45 (In Rus).
Okulich A.I. (2017). The problem of discrimination of a person on the basis of positive status of HIV / AIDS. Bulletin of SUSU. Series: Law. No. 2. P. 93-97 (In Rus).
Onishchenko G.G., Ezhlova E.B., Melnikova A.A., Dementieva L.A., Demina Y.V., Yanovsky G.V., Fedotova N.A., Ivanov G.E. (2013). Sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the children of the Russian Federation. PF. No. 2. P. 10-18 (In Rus).
Pak T.I. (2017). Economic crises as a factor in the development of the demographic situation in Russian society. Humanitarian of the South of Russia. No. 6. P. 349-359 (In Rus).
Pirogova I.A. (2017). The prevalence of HIV infection in Russia. Vestnik SMUS74. No. 4 (19). P. 45-49 (In Rus).
Plotnikova Y.K., Ponotova L.V., Malov I.V. (2012). Modeling of sociological-epidemiological risk as a basis for effective management of territorial system of struggle and prevention of HIV / AIDS disease. Sib. med. journal (Irkutsk). №1. P. 83-87 (In Rus).
Tkhorikov B.A., Dakhova M.N. (2016). Prediction tools in the system of indicative management of social organizations. Scientific bulletins of Belgorod State University. Series: The Economy. Computer science. No. 16 (237). P. 38-48 (In Rus).
Tolmacheva V.V. (2015). To the question of the formation of valeological knowledge in Russia. Concept. No. 17. P. 31-35 (In Rus).
Viktorov A.S. (2017). Peculiarities of Modernization of Russian Society in the Context of Demographic Security and National Health. Health and Education in the 21st Century. No.7. P. 88-93 (In Rus).
Zavyalov A.E., Levashov V.I. (2016). Health of Russians. Challenges and problems. Interactive science. No.8. P. 49-55 (In Rus).