Author: SHAPIEV S.M.
Communicology. 2016. Vol.4. No.5
SHAPIEV Siyabshakh Magomedovich, Doctor of juridical sciences, Professor, Honored jurist of the Russian Federation
Abstract: The article is devoted to possible cases of control over the will of voters from the part of negligent candidates and their spin doctors while the filling of a ballot by using «any symbol» provided by the legislation as the note of the choice of a candidate. The article contains comparative analysis of the legislation of foreign countries and their classification based on the order of the
filling of a ballot. Special attention is given to the results of the survey of experts on the understanding of «any symbol» notion. It is proposed to better the Russian legislation on this matter by using the positive world experience.
Key words: voting ballot, order to fill the ballot, «any sign» in the ballot, classification of electoral legislation by countries, control over the will of voters
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